Season 24, Week 3
Lenneth Valkyrie
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
You could draw any number of analogies between the goddess-born-human Lenneth Valkyrie and the half-esper Terra Branford. Both are swordsladies, both with very special...circumstances...that make them stand out from the average human. But the mightiest of the three Goddesses of Fate will reveal Terra's inferiority. Between Lenneth's masterful skill with a blade, the fearsome life-draining power of the Glance Reviver and the unmatchable strength of Nibelung Valesti, no Ultima or Minerva will save the half-esper from divine judgement. Lenneth Valkyrie will prove the true might of Valhalla to the unworthy sorceress.



Terra, fresh off a very deja-vuish victory, is ready to face a relatively familiar battle this round. Terra fought Loki many seasons ago, and defeated him - now she fights Loki's original slayer, Lenneth Valkyrie. Like the fight with Ness, this will be a simple battle for Terra to dominate. While her infamously powerful Break spell won't be of any use, that simply means the dreaded spell Ultima will become her primary offense. Not even a Goddess can survive the pure, unbridled magical destruction of the blue dome of death that is Ultima, meaning that Terra is off for yet another shot at a championship in Godlike once this ends.

...Terra sat in her locker room, admiring the present that she had just received. "Edgar is such a thoughtful guy, and this jewelry box is so pretty!" Terra admired the gem-encrusted box before opening it up and pulling out a pair of sapphire earrings.
"These will do nicely for my match," she commented.

-Later that Day-

The match with Lenneth was a hard-fought one. Both were equals on the field with their swords, and both had as much drive and motivation to win the match as the other. Terra felt herself slipping into her Esper-form, and suddenly it took over.
This act caught Lenneth off guard, and surprised her for a split-second. This was all that Terra needed. She shot into the air, high above Lenneth, and unleashed a powerful Ultima blast.

The blast was right on target. Lenneth took the full force of the blow, dropping her to her knees. She hesitated for a moment, then began to get up, muttering to herself that Ultima wasn't all that she had heard it to be...

...And that's when the second blast hit her.

After the match, the DL medics were perplexed. How do you revive someone who's been vaporized? They pondered this turn of events for quite some time afterwards, eventually deciding to get back to it "after dinner".

Terra returned to her locker room to relax after the match, where she found Edgar waiting for her. She threw her arms around him.

"A genuine Gem Box for me? You shouldn't have Edgar!"

"I hoped you would appreciate it, Terra. I still have bruises from those Kefka Fanatics trying to get that for you!" Edgar rubbed his bruised face, but decided it was worth it in the end.

Lenneth Valkyrie: 42
Terra Branford: 50

Lenneth v Terra - Its not everyday two of your favourite characters are up against each other in godlike. Its also harder to find a match up where the two characters don't win in a lopsided fight. This is definitely one of those situations however.

It is a tough match to call. For Lenneth to win, you have to ask yourself two questions:
1) Does Ultima OHKO?
2) Is Terra going first?

If both answers are 'no', Lenneth wins. While I can see Lenneth getting first strike (due to weird FF6 speed), seeing her survive a Morphed Terra Ultima is another story. Let's review:

Ultima = Very high (ITD) magic damage
Morph = doubles magic damage

Therefore, Morphed Terra Ultima = PAIN.

Its possible to see Lenneth winning if you see her as being amazingly durable HP wise. But for me, it's just not the case. Sorry Lenneth >_>.

Terra Fanboy
Lenneth is like one and a half times stronger than Terra...

Guess its too bad for Lenneth Terra can double her power at will then.

metroid composite
Terra can double her damage by using Morph.
Lenneth gets a sword that's five times as powerful as everyone else's.
5 > 2.