Season 24, Week 4
(Shadow Hearts)
If you were to take a quick glance at this match, you might say Wugui is screwed. After all, Chaos is a boss with a physical, a combination known to make the man from Kowloon weep. However, it's a little known fact that, while Chaos is resistant to the effects of Instant Death, he is not totally immune to it! A fatal detail that Wugui is bound to capitalize on with a little Game of Death. People may believe that the game is over for the demonic criminal, but the truth is playtime has only just begun.



Having crushed some of the best Godlike has to offer under his numerous appendages, Chaos now faces an...interesting opponent. Wugui's immunity to magic may mean some of Chaos's devastating abilities won't work, but he still has a nasty physical that will leave the minor demon reeling, and being mostly immune to Game of Death means Wugui will struggle to break past Chaos's impressive defense. Chaos can play his own Game of Death against Wugui.

Though few will speak of it, villainy has a strict hierarchy, one which dictates that once a villain has been subjected to a particular fate, another villain or hero of equal stature can inflict it again free of penalty and with no resistance tolerated.
Last time Wugui had encountered a villain of Chaos' stature, the results were... well, suffice to say Wugui isn't eager to play guinea pig again anytime soon.
So it was no real surprise when Wugui checked the schedual, noticed who his opponent was, and high-tailed it back to Kowloon as fast as his magic-immune legs would carry him.
Chaos was rather disappointed, though. A nice cursed puppet would have been the perfect birthday gift for Kary.

Wugui: 9
Chaos: 61

Wugui vs a boss with good physicals? I have nothing else to say about this week to Wugui's match except 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'