Season 3, Week 4
(Grandia 2)
Valmar's work is never done, and this week of the RPGDL proves it. Melfice is fighting a fellow bad guy in Yunalesca this week, and like the past two weeks, he can be fairly sure that his opponent can do little to stop him. Yunalesca is the queen of status attacks, which do very little to Horn of Valmar. The rest of her damage is unimpressive, which means Melfice's speed and healing will come into play. Wailing Soul Slash, which Yunalesca will laugh at, won't be a laughing matter when Melfice uses it again... and again.... and again... and again..



Like last week, Yunalesca can't rely on her brutal status attacks to overpower her opponent. Like last week, though, Yunalecsa has far more HP than her opponent, and her counters are nothing to scoff at, either.

"Wailing SOUL SLASH!"

Melfice's scream echoed throughout the arena, as did the sound of Yunalesca's shattered body hitting the floor. Valmar's minion had slaughtered yet another opponent on his path to victory.

Yunalesca's shattered body brought back memories... of a happier time, with his brother and girlfriend. Shaking his head, Melfice kept walking. That was the past. Now, his future was The Fight. Nothing was going to stop him. Nothing at all.

Melfice: 5
Yunalesca: 2
Can Melfice make it three Godlike champions in a row that aren't in the RPGP Godlike?

Well, he'll get the chance.