Season 27, Week 4
Nate Nanjo
Nate has dispatched two skilled contenders thus far - but to get his rematch with Kefka, he must defeat last season's champion, Luca! Armed with Alfred, his HIEROPHANT Persona, Nate reflects all elemental attacks, physical and magical, can use the powerful Elixer spell to keep himself alive - and with LightAll, Nate can just protect himself as the light of judgment slowly wears down the Highland Prince. No matter what Luca does, there's nothing he can do to stop the domination that Nate Nanjo will exact upon Godlike!



A fireproof pig? Truly quite an amusing concept, but the pathetic Speed Racer can't stop the Highland Prince's rapid advance to a double title - or even make him hesitate for a second! Sliced pig is still an option on the table, and all the full healing in the world won't be able to put little rich Nate back together after Luca is done with him. The vaunted owner of BtS and wearer of that bloody geeky ascot is nothing more than a warm-up for the Prince of Slaughter... well, that and another soul to add to his monstrous Beast Rune.

Within every life, a little rain must fall.

In Luca's life, it's time for it to fall.

You see, his reputation has finally caught up with him.

Actually, multiple ways at once.

First, before the match, he was sentenced to twenty years in prison for mass murder, arson, tresspassing, destruction of property, aiding and abetting theft and tresspassing(Well, land can be stolen.), crimes against the state(The state in this case being the City-State of Jowston. Well, war crimes trials happen, you know.), jaywalking, cruelty to animals, indecent exposure and littering. (You'd be amazed what gets dug up on some people.)

(In case you're wondering why he'd only get twenty years...well, you haven't been paying attention to the Duelling League.)

(In case you're wondering why he's getting twenty years in light of this, seeing as how he's pretty mild for a Godlike, you also haven't been paying attention to the Duelling League. Stepping on the toes of high-ranking Godlikes isn't a good idea.)

Of course, this is Luca Blight. No pigs will stop him.

Then the cops ripped him in half.

They don't like being called pigs, it makes them angry. And when Aya Brea arrests you, you listen. Especially when she's backed up by the League's finest enforcers.

Naturally, this wouldn't thwart Luca, the most horrific villian the Highlands had ever seen.

Then the other half of his reputation caught up with him. Well, in fairness, it did get him broken out of prison, and it did win him the match.

But that's how Luca ended up tied up in a small room with several hundred fans, happily yelling about how he's "omg kewl" and "badass" and "uber" and "pwns those pigs!" and telling him to "OMG DO THE PIG THING AGAIN!!1" and asking him if they can get his autograph, shake his hand, play with his sword, buy his sword, buy basically any article of his clothing, buy locks of his hair, asking him if he likes (Insert some type of food, game, book, drink, song, song, song or blog here.), and asking him for his autograph.

You'd figure this would count as a loss, seeing as how he was kidnapped for six days by the fans, but Luca actually brought that up as a point in his favor for release, so Nate was promptly found with twenty-seven gunshot wounds in his bedroom.

The judges were going to flip a coin, but after they had to put down machine-gunning fans, they decided that Luca would probably have won anyways and handed him the match. Dealing with fans is tiring.

Unfortunately for Luca, now the fangirls have gotten to him.

And that's the story of how Luca Blight cosplayed Sephiroth. Except with some bright pink ribbons in his hair. Oh, and some makeup.

He's currently in therapy.

No, not just from that, but the fangirls also tried to kidnap other Suikoden cast members and make them make out with Luca.

Don't worry, Luca will be fine in time for next match, just as long as no one mentions him kissing Connie. He tends to break down around then.

Nate Nanjo: 22
Luca Blight: 41

Gavaroc Fevinor
Nate Nanjo. You will fall. Farplane hath no fury like a Guado scorned.

Can't vote on it, but I have to say this much at least: Nate Nanjo for Godlike champion!


Sabin and Luca are making me want to take a razor to people's eyes.