Season 29, Week 2
(Final Fantasy VIII)
Hooray! After running into two of the Duelling League's best duellers in her last two matches, and going down to ignominious defeat both times, Ultimecia finally gets an opponent who can be easily defeated! Although Lambda might outdo the TIME KOMPRESSOR in emotion, he can hardly best her by any other measure. Thanks to Griever and Hell’s Judgment, she can outdo Lambda's dodging tricks with no effort at all. The ultimate manipulator and cunning Sorceress eliminates the weepy Brionac leader without breaking a sweat, and he will pay the price for daring to stand against her.



n ideal. A world to rebuild. With all his goals from Filgaia, and possibly new aspirations of conquest as well, Lambda Zellweger spearheads an assault on the Duelling League. His first fight will not be easy - Ultimecia sports powers that rival even Lambda's hallowed Blue Destiny for knowledge over the future. However, Lambda's fighting prowess should surpass Ultimecia's pathetic magic damage - with his Blue Destiny to avoid the sorceress' attacks and his ridiculous speed, he will down his opponent before she gets a hit in. Brionac's finest begin their rise to the top here and now.

One person can see the future.

Another person can (c/k)ompress time.

Both of these have almost bafflingly, indecipherably strange actual effects in battle. Ultimecia ends up somehow gaining multiple forms and a giant pet Squall delusion from her time (c/k)ompression.

While Lambda can dodge things. Usually. While he's looking in their direction. So it's like really good reflexes. Except it's prophesy. Also, it has a better name.

And, most importantly, when these two skills collide, there are obvious side effects. After all, someone that predicts the future should be able to see time (c/k)ompression (c/k)oming, right?

Except that by the time he sees it coming, there's no time actually in front of him. A paradox, a direct conflict of two skills.

Two skills that have completely weird battle impact already.

And so, Giant Anthropomorphic Beaver Benjamin Franklin, after fusing with the two combatants, smashed through the arena walls and wandered out of the arena.

Who won?


But really, they just flipped a coin. The tried and true tradition of the Duelling League is to flip a coin when these things happen.

Then the coin burst into flames. It seems there's still some leftover effects.

So, the judges went by the second most tried and true method for determining the winner of a Duelling League match that has gone awry.

And so, Nina 4 soundly beat Jelanda in a mud wrestling match, giving Ultimecia the win.

Ultimecia: 40
Lambda Zellweger: 39

The two competitors decided to settle this match with a contest to see who could create the best universe. Ultimecia' time compression allows her bend time to her will. Lambda's Blue Destiny allows him to forsee the future. So while Ulti is still busy changing the flow of time to find the best world, Lambda has already generated a world that would proceed well into the future. As to what this world would be used for...well that's a story for the next season.