Season 30, Week 3
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Hahaha! Cyril’s domination of Godlike has finally started, and he’s not about to let some upstart girl ruin his plans. His powerful magics will make the frail Jessica quake in her boots and ill-fitting garments. Wind of Destruction? Word of Death? Jessica is powerful less before such might. On top of that, Cyril’s impressive elemental resists protect from the worst of Jessica’s magic spells. And her whip? Why that would just be a turn-on for him. Well, I guess this is season XXX, but no one wants to see that.



Jessica Albert is ready to push further along the path towards victory in Godlike. Much like Celes, Cyril has powerful magic at his command, as well as the dreaded Word of Death, which would give most warriors fits. However, Acceleratle will allow her to run rings around the Wiseman. While Cyril might be far more resilient than Celes was to magic, he's not more resilient against a good, sound whip thrashing! A few Twin Dragon Lash strikes will be all she needs to cut down the windy wizard.

Jessica and Cyril faced each other in the arena.

The air was heavy with the eyes of a thousand onlookers.

Jessica idly cracked her whip once, waiting for the match to start.

A small lake of water had formed around Cyril.

..yes, water. You see, he was drooling over Jessica.

It was easy for Jessica to Twin Dragon Lash the hapless Wise Man to hell. I mean, when you've not seen an attractive woman for such a long time, and the foe shows up in her Dangerous Bustier...

well, yeah. Easy win for Jessica.

Cyril: 37
Jessica Albert: 49
So Jessica faces Cyril, the second most powerful of the wisemen, but without LEA metal Jessica doesnt stand a chance against this ultra-advanced being that was created in ages long forgotten and exist well into the future. This isnt Chrono Trigger where a couple of people from 1000 AD can easily take out a gang of robot's from 2300 AD, but there is hope for Jessica yet, it so happens that Rena sneaked some LEA metal and a few defense and strength seeds over to Jessica.

With a Gringham whip, Divine Bustier, meteor bracer, and metal king shield her defense and agility give her an edge,

Cyril: So little girl you think you stand a chance against the great Cyril? I'll make your defeat as painless as possible, I should even hold back some, not that it'll do you any good.

Jessica: Oh shut up you think your some invincible being but look what I have.

Cyril: LEA metal? Where did you get that!

Jessica: I'm not telling but... Accelerate! Oomph!

Cyril: Huh? Where did she go? Her invisibility spell... (WHACK!)

Jessica: Surprize! I didnt cast an invisibility spell but became so fast you simply couldnt see me (giggles)

Cyril: Why you!!! I HATE YOU!!!

(while Cyrils still on the ground Jessica cast magic burst then proceeded to continually hit Cyril, overcoming such overwhelming odds and thanks to a friend she defeated Cyril)