Season 33, Week 2
Billy Lee Black
The Blaze of Purity has been in a rut in Godlike. Ever since he upgraded, he has suffered only terrible losses. However, this might just change this week, as the agent of God faces a dreaded vampire, the Lord of Undead Brahms - who happens to have even more losses in Godlike than Billy himself does! And the match should be a fairly simplistic one, at that, for the young priest. The vampire has brutal physicals, sure, but all Billy needs is to get her Goddess' blessings up so he can begin his brutally effective stalling game, his pistols brutalizing the corpse's flesh and cleansing the earth of the foul stench of darkness as they sing and spark. This may be a difficult task for your average priest, but Billy Lee Black is no typical preacher. And he shall uphold his reputation as the Blaze of Purity in the DL, no matter what!



Brahms, slayer of thousands of men. Godlike defense. Brutal, punishing physical prowess. For all of Brahms's vaunted skills, he's had no luck in his various appearances. Facing down mage after mage, Brahms boasts a shameful 0-4 record... but all that's in the past. Boasting a new look, the Vampire Lord's gotten a gift from the heavens that he so scorns. Instead of a blisteringly fast, masterful mage or the ultimate being of evil, Brahms squares off against a priest with a gun. Certainly an imposing image in it's own right, and one any normal vampire would do well to fear. Brahms isn't any old vampire. Billy lacks in and all forms of magical related damage, and is well known for not liking high impact physicals. In short, it'll be a horrific bloodbath, which is good. Brahms is certainly hungry for success after so long.

In the course of participating in his bonus match, there was one tiny detail that wasn't mentioned. In order to provide enough time to stack on all the offensive buffs, Brahms also had the "Permanence" spell casted on him. However, no one remembered to later Dispel the effects.With a swift swing of his fist within the opening seconds, Billy exploded into a pile of dust.

None of the judges thought it was out of the ordinary. In fact, Brahms didn't notice much difference either. After all, he was built for smashing things.

It was only until he later went out to get a drink with his castmates to celebrate his win did he remember. Arngrim still hasn't been seen after Brahms gave him a friendly punch to the chest. Unlike Billy who simply exploded, the big mercernary simply got launched into orbit. There are now bets as to when he will return to ground. Sezter is making quite a profit from the whole ordeal.

Billy Lee Black: 14
Brahms: 67