Season 35, Week 4
(Legaia: Duel Saga)
His power rivalling that of Cell himself, Avalon continues to charge forth into the fray, knocking down those who would insult his power or ideals. Avalon now faces off against something far more to his liking; the epitome of darkness, Profound Darkness, is a beast of pure hatred and evil vying for the destruction of the human race, lofty goals Avalon himself aspires to. While the two may see eye-to-eye/tentacles/teeth, there will be no quarter given in this battle - Avalon's fame and respect lie in the balance. With his Origin behind him, Avalon has nothing to fear - with plenty of resilience himself even before merging into The Infinite One, Avalon can fight the Profound Darkness's renowned durability with his own, evening the score. Avalon's own powerful magic and arts are just as strong as the greatest of the Profound Darkness's magic, and with both combatants immune to any tricks, it'll be Avalon's experience and greater power level that yield him victory in this battle. Then only one more battle will remain before Avalon can instigate his new world order as Godlike Champion...



Infinite One? Mystic? The Man With The Golden Eyes? Why would such a creature even think of trying to defeat the ultimate incarnation of evil, the Profound Darkness herself? As this season has proved, many have tried already and met with their final doom, yet Avalon thinks he has a fighting chance. Well, no matter. Soon his folly will be exposed to all as the Darkness uses her evil powers to show who's really infinite around Godlike! His various attacks? Worthless against Profound Darkness's thick skin and ability to absorb punishment. His HP, respectable at first and dangerous in his other form? Easily dealt with by her almighty physical, not to mention all the magic she has at her disposal. His speed? Of no consequence to the end result of this battle, as he won't be able to make much use of it with the Profound Darkness looming over him. There is no way that some punk villain reject will ever make it to the top of the dark mountain of evil that the Profound Darkness reigns over. His run in Godlike is at an end, and Profound Darkness moves one step closer to the finals.

Really, there was only one logical way this could end from the start.

Fanboy contests.

Avalon came in dressed as Goku, which seemed to sway the crowd.

Then PD came in with Aeris' dress on.

The resulting fanstampede crushed Avalon, giving PD the win both in the contest and in the battle.

And it fit her well, too! <3

Avalon: 18
Profound Darkness: 32