Season 45, Week 3
(Final Fantasy IV)
Not too many people can say that they've had a quite literal "withering glare" turned on them, but poor Lenneth Valkyrie certainly can. And now, the former Godlike champion Emelious DePamela is about to join those unlucky few as well. For all that the power and tricks that Xorn's servant can bring to bear are quite an unearthly sight, he seems to be distressingly lacking in fire resistance. That oversight is going to cost him here, as Rubicant's fiendish conflagration burns hotter then even Emelious' own rage against the world. As Rubicant sagely proved with Lenneth, even the gods themselves should be wary of getting in the path of the noble fiend once he has cast his deadly gaze upon that elusive championship, and Emelious, while mighty, is no god.



What’s a boy to do when he is so angry at the world’s betrayal that he can’t get a lady to even look in his direction? When all hope and direction is lost in a person’s life, what can one do? As philosophical as some might get, the answer is actually very simple: SWORDS! A man only needs his sword at hand as he travels, whether he is saving kitties or plotting the world’s destruction with a dark god. Emelious took this advice to heart and found the largest swords he could possibly find in his quest to be generically overcompensating evil. All these simpletons will fall to the might of his great sword, and the Fire Fiend Rubicant will be no exception! Glare is indeed no match for his quickness, precision and might! Emelious' power will not be denied!

As with every single one of Edge's 'good' ideas, it hatched from boredom and a certain unwise Ninja running his mouth when he shouldn't. When Zidane loudly proclaimed that he was the best at causing trouble in the league proper, he was met with some catcalls, several insults, and several thrown objects. Most however just shook their heads at the pathetic thief, seeing him reduced to such straits to somehow salvage his pride.

When Edge challenged him to a contest to prove this, he eagerly accepted. To make things 'fair', Edge let Zidane use whatever or whoever he could to cause trouble, in up to four fights. Edge was restricted to one fight and could only cause whatever interference he could cause on his own. No outside help. Just his body and wits against whatever Zidane could cook up. The wise members of the Duelling League locked their doors or travelled to another dimension, in the small holes they wouldn't get sucked in.


Zidane's first action made for an impressive start. He agreed to have the judge of the Haschel/Jade fight taken out (That lunkhead Steiner was useful for something!) so he could ref the fight in favor of Jade. In return, the smarmy Necromancer agreed to use his talents in the best possible way to cause chaos in Emelious and Rubicant's fight.

"Worthless. Emo. Pathetic. Do you know how much your family hates you? End it all, you wimp. The universe would be better off without you."

Emotional abuse. Cruel. Brutal. Just the trick to undermine Emelious, who left the arena sobbing, swearing revenge against Zidane and Jade for this. Rubicant was also extremely angry with Zidane, as he wished to win the fight with honor, not resorting to such cruel mental attacks. He swore revenge against the Tantalus thief.

A good start for Zidane. But he was just getting started.

Rubicant: 25
Emelious de Pamela: 18