Season 56, Week 2
(Breath of Fire II)
The second Ryu, half-human, half-dragon, has elected to fight once again in the arena, against the Dueling League's finest. And although he seems to have the innate bad luck to draw only the finest of this best division, this time Lady Luck seems to have elected to give him a break. Royce may be a terror to many, but frankly, this match doesn't intimidate Ryu in the least. With a brief transformation to his G. Dragon form, he'll simply wipe Royce off the map - and should she manage to get a turn, not only can the young man withstand most anything this bawdy fortune teller could throw at him, he also can break Flame Bird easily with his might - cinching Ryu the Second's victory.



Ohohohoho, but this is a treat. Not only Royce gets to stroll around the Godlike arena again, she even gets the opportunity to have fun with a rare piece of eye candy in the division? Ghaleon must've been rigging a few favors behind the scenes, as this is just heaven for the Vile Tribe sorceress. Ryu may have a very, very painful attack with his Kaiser Dragon breath, but it's also just only that one shot - and Royce is one of the sturdiest fighters in the League, that's for sure. Once she survives that one shot, the sorceress will have the fight won with a single Flamebird, which will entangle Ryu until his inglorious death. Roasted dragon seems like the dish of the day for Royce indeed!

"I know what you did last summer." Royce purred to Ryu, seductively.

Ryu stared at her, mute.

"And I know it wasn't with your dear Nina..."

"YOU PIG!" Nina bellowed, blasting Ryu from behind with an arcane word of Death. As Ryu crumpled, Nina turned to Royce. "Thanks. I had had my suspicions..."

"No problem, dear." Royce smiled, putting her crystal ball away. "I'll expect the arranged fee by next week?"

"Of course. You know where I live, worst comes to worst." A pause, before Nina glanced to Royce. "Was it... Katt?"

"Oh, no, dear." Royce kept her smile on, seraphic, almost cheshire. "But... I don't think you need to worry about the other's punishment. They will receive their own, in due time; a far more fitting one than any that you could give them."

"Alright." Nina said, fluffing her wings. "Thanks."

Royce nodded and headed out, leaving Nina the Second to glower over Ryu's body... "Poor dear would never have believed it was an honest hunting trip, anyway." the fortune teller murmured as she left.

Ryu: 11
Royce: 34