Season 6, Week 4
(Arc the Lad Collection)
Yay! It's Choko time again! Having dispatched another playmate who couldn't keep up with her, Choko is now going to play with Albedo. He'll have a rough time keeping up with her super-powerful magic or her concrete-shattering kick, and surely his drain magic won't keep Choko from being happy and cheery - at least until Albedo is only seeing the blue sky from his place buried in the ground.



Albedo's beaten a sorceress and a contact... and it looks like he's been well rewarded, since now he's fighting his favourite opponent: a little girl! However, this little girl isn't going to be easily spanked, which means Albedo's going to have to pull out all the stops here. His speed easily matches Choko's before haste, and after it, he'll hold the advantage. With Fallen Angel heading up his offenses, he just might be able to outslug her. Will Alpedo live up to his name and spank this little girl back to daddy?

When Albedo knew who he was fighting, he was, ironically, as giddy as a schoolgirl. Not only would his restriction order be nullified for the duration of the match, but he was also fighting the cutest and most evil little girl in the entire RPGverse. It was fate.

But his old pickup lines would not work on this little devil. The daughter of Satan should have class, the intelligence to see through his rip-off-the-head-to-get-the-girl tactic. `But Choko must be mine,` he mused to himself.

When Satan's favourite daughter made her way to the arena, screaming, "It's Choko Time!", she did not find the expected masses of fans screaming and cheering. Most of the fans saw this match's "potential" and avoided it. Albedo was standing next to a table adorned with candles. "Ah, ma belle peche... you're early."

Choko looked around, confused. "Pedo man scare people off?"

"Ma peche, please, sit, sit..." Albedo pulled out a chair, and seated the bewildered Choko. Albedo took his seat across from Choko.

Choko felt a chill go up her spine. 'The Pedo man', as she called him, wasn't coming onto her as he came onto the other little girls, but still had the depraved look in his eyes.

"Allow me to speak freely, ma peche," Albedo started. "I know you're really... older than I, not really a little girl... but it doesn't matter to me. I want you, ma belle peche, and I will have you. If you come willingly, I will forfeit and you will win, if I must subdue you like the waves of others before you, you lose. So, what do you sa---" Albedo was cut off by Choko jumping out of her chair and kicking Albedo in the face.

"Ma belle peche, you hurt me so," Albedo stood up, and began laughing. "Fine, I no longer wish to have many hours of pedophilistic enjoyment with little girls!" Though this statement only bewildered Choko for a few seconds, it was long enough for Albedo to get close enough to grab Choko's face, and begin draining the life force from her body. As her body went limp, he stroked Choko's head with his free hand, and flung her over his shoulder, and walked out of the empty arena, laughing at the top of his lungs. She wasn't dead, just unconscious, but, soon, she may very well wish she was.

Choko: 4
Albedo: 9