Season 60, Week 0
(Grandia 3)
Violetta versus a giant all-powerful blob of evil? If she wasn’t so in love with the cause of pain and destruction, she might worship Profound Darkness as her new God! But luckily, Violetta is quite determined to wreak havoc upon everything, and the Doom of Algol will be no exception. Sure, the very cesspool of darkness may be quite durable and damaging, but it’s also a slug. Violetta and her scythe can not only outdamage it, but all the while acting at several times it’s speed. It won’t be easy to cut through PD’s extreme vitality, but Violetta relishes the challenge of inflicting that much pain to an enemy who can take it!



What's this, some pathetic mortal dares to challenge the God of Gods? Well, she'll get a nice demo of why the Profound Darkness feels no need to hop around like some ADD kid on speed. After all, with three forms, all chained together and each boasting a healthy amount of durability, there'll be more than enough time to launch an offensive assault. And even the worst of the Profound Darkness's attacks is potent, flying past simple parlour tricks like Blaze Wall, while the greatest is the soul searing Megid. This battle, like most battles, will quickly turn into one of attrition. And none can last longer than the Doom of Algol.

Violetta: 12
Profound Darkness: 11