Season 61, Week 0
Lenneth Valkyrie
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
While Lenneth's heart of cold ice might normally serve as enough insulation against watery attacks, against the raging might of Kyogre, the Valkyrie may have to rely on a bit more. Luckily, with her default Seraphic Garb in hand, Lenneth can turn Waterspout into a light shower (not like Lenneth, as a pristine Goddess with the power of creation, ever needs to shower, of course)! And as always, her own painful Glance Reviver physicals won't be so easy for Kyogre to defend against, and the DL's favorite flying whale isn't remotely durable for Godlike. A few swift strikes, and Lenneth can be serving her Einherjar delicious ogre whale blubber for dinner!



Kyooo! The legendary whale pokemon, and mascot of the braintrust that is Team Aqua, faces someone worthy of his godlike might. Lenneth Valkyrie, a goddess in her own right, is hardly an easy opponent for most, but Kyogre has the edge in speed, and few can hope to stand against his devastating Waterspout, backed up by the downpour that this legendary pokemon's mere presence creates. One solid shot is all Kyogre will need, and afterward? Well, let's just say that Lucian may have to deal with a somewhat less hygienic girlfriend than he is used to, as it is unlikely that Lenneth will ever want to see so much as a light shower ever again!

Lenneth Valkyrie: 19
Kyogre: 14