Season 7, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
Serge is downright blanching at the prospect of facing Thunder God Cid this week. Even though his legendary swallow, the Mastermune, is immune to the Divine Swordskills of his foe, Serge still has little in his arsenal to fall back on. The possession of the Chrono Cross will let him recharge his three critical offensive techniques once he has utilized them, but even then he'll have to play catch-up with Cid's impressive absorption abilities. Without the vocal capability to concede the match before it begins, will Serge be just another notch on Orlandu's belt, or will his youthful exuberance see him through?



Going against the tide, Cidolfas Orlandu is an old man in the eternally young crowd of heroes flocking to the Arena. His age is a boon rather than a burden, however, as he surely intends to show his first opponent. With copious Swordskills learned over his career, T.G. Cid will be able to drain Serge's life force, inflict nearly any status, and shatter all the lad's except the legendary Mastermune. What's more, Orlandu bears the great blade Excalibur; not only is it a symbol of his legendary status, but it bolsters his speed to ludicrous levels! With his edge in brain, brawn and experience, can the Thunder God's mute contender truly hope to triumph over him?

Poor Serge... Not only did he have the poor luck to draw Orlandu in his opening match of the season, but Leena had threatened grave bodily harm if he got knocked out in the first round... again.

With a vague sense of dread the bandana-bedecked youth entered the ring, his Mastermune at the ready. His opponent stood on the far side, his legendary sword sheathed at his side.

"Feel free to start whenever you're ready," Orlandu called across the arena.

Serge nodded gratefully. A quick series of swipes with his swallow, and the general staggered back a few steps... seizing his chance, Serge levitated high above the arena, a giant image of his swallow appearing in front of him as he unleashed his most powerful technique, Luminaire, on Thunder God Cid.

When the dust had finally settled, Orlandu stood in the same exact position as ever, looking as fresh as if Serge had never touched him.

"I absorb Holy-elemental attacks, thanks to Excalibur." he said to the perplexed fisherman with a smirk.

With a sigh of disgust, Serge hurled his Mastermune to the floor of the arena and stalked out, giving Orlandu the match by default. He was later seen in the streets of Termina, inquiring about where he might acquire a hard hat.

Serge: 1
Orlandu, Cidolfas: 33

It takes a monumental stretch of the imagination to believe that Serge's living blade Mastermune would be easy for Orlandu to break.

Sadly, his armor isn't so lucky.


Tack one for the Thunder God.