Season 10, Week 2
(Golden Sun)
With her brutal Death Sieze, powerful fire magic, frightening speed, and restorative water magic, the Season 2 Godlike champion is more than ready to take on her first opponent. Luckily enough, the Godlike Fire Adept drew a lucky first opponent as well; Anastasia Valeria - despite the reputation of her inspiring Impulse - is both unremarkable in speed, and vulnerable to instant death. Could this be the start of a second Godlike championship?



Anastasia Valeria comes again into the RPGDL, after a rough loss in her last apperance. Ready to put that behind her, the Sword Magess has her brutal Impulse skill to wipe through Menardi, healing magic or no healing magic! Along with Blade Heal and Refresh, Salvation will ensure that even 'powerful' fire magic will not be effective. Even Anastasia's speed will soon eclipse Menardi's sluggish form, thanks to her stat raising. Indeed, Menardi's brutalized form will be a landmark of Anastasia's first Godlike championship.

You see, I could go into a long rant about how Menardi's damage is poor enough and her ID rate low enough that Anastasia only has to wait for the time to pull a full Impulse, or I could go into story teller mode and detail the battle blow by blow, but this match really doesn't deserve either. Even if I told it poorly. Let's just say that this Menardi is no more. This is an Ex-Menardi.

Menardi: 8
Anastasia Valeria: 16