Season 14, Week 4
(Pokémon Series)
After trashing a fellow cat-like genetic freak, Mewtwo now goes against everything he hates: a Pokémon trainer of sorts! A cheerful young girl who summons monsters to fight for her, which puts Mewtwo exactly where he wants to be, as anybody whose fought him knows that even with a full arsenal of strong allies, he doesn't go down easy. Being faster than Yuna helps him get that quick punch and hit her where it hurts most; her low HP. He even has a good chance to critical and take the girl down in one blow. Yes, after years of being annoyed by trainers attempting to catch him, Mewtwo finally gets his chance to unleash his anger on one of the pathetic worms.



After two weeks of purifying the DL of powerful yet generic villains, Yuna now comes face to face with a far subtler, and more dangerous, threat, in the form of the psychic mutant feline, Mewtwo. Mewtwo wields no simple high-end magic like Yuna's last opponents, but attacks directly with his mind. Fortunately, Yuna's will is too strong to be broken by the freak of genetics she now faces, and she has a weapon that can attack with its mind just as well as her opponent can. It will be the final aeon, Anima, that proves Mewtwo's final opponent this season, as her Pain carries with it a guaranteed death. And it will be Yuna who, once again, advances one step closer to the Godlike crown.

Yuna vs. Mewtwo is pretty sad. Assuming Mewtwo goes first, Mewtwo: Amnesia. Yuna: Summon Anima. Mewtwo: Psychic. Yuna: Pain. Mewtwo: *thud*

Mewtwo: 14
Yuna: 37

This is Mewtwo *picture of Mewtwo is shown*

This is Mewtwo after meeting Anima *Picture of Magikarp is shown*

Any questions?