Season 19, Week 1
Profound Darkness
(Phantasy Star 4)
If it still had emotions, the mad celestial being known for lack of a true name as Profound Darkness would be overjoyed at its first match of Season 20. After all, it isn’t often that a duelist faces an opponent that he or she was literally made to kill – but that’s the case here. Even when Chaz was accompanied by four allies, he still had a tough time facing down all three incarnations of the Darkness. In a one-on-one fight it won’t even be a question – the barrage of brutal physical attacks and devastating castings of Megid will overwhelm him in seconds.



Once before, the Profound Darkness tried to swallow all in its murk, but a blazing light proved too much, and it dissipated before its goal could be achieved. Now it rises once more, and though it faces that same light, there is now but one candle in the night. However, this light is the greatest of the five. Sucessor of Rolf Landale, and wielder of Elsydeon, Chaz bears a potent Holy offence to cut down the Profound Darkness once more, and Nares to preserve his life as long as the fight takes. As light prevailed once before, so shall it again.

You know........

Chaz has beat the Profound Drakness before. He should have no problem doing it again....right?

I mean, with his insane offense....

and......that Robotic cat girl.....

and the Sarcastic mage.....

and some robot.....

and another person.....

he SINGLE handledly defeated it and saved the world......

oh wait, now that I explained it like that, it doesn't look too good for Chaz at all.

Oh well, better luck next draw.

Profound Darkness: 37
Chaz Ashley: 8