Season 39, Week 2
Chris Lightfellow
(Suikoden III)
These two lasses might come from similarly noble backgrounds, but they couldn't be farther apart in terms of personality. Look at their battle attire, for starters! Chris wears platemail, while Jessica...well, Jessica tends to wear much less. Much, much less. Hmph, she'd be thrown out of Zexen in a heartbeat with such scandalous clothing. And this match should provide ample demonstration of why function trumps form in a fight, as whips are not known for their penetrating power against full steel armor. And Jessica won't be able to do much more than flail away once Silent Lake is in effect, shutting down all of her magic just like that. Indeed, even if she tries to stall, Chris's strikes shall land often enough that victory will be hers.



Fiery noble of a peaceful country village, Jessica Albert is in many respects the polar opposite of her opponent Chris. The two share perhaps one thing in common, a fierce desire to test their mettle and capture a Godlike Championship! Defeating the Silver Maiden is no easy task, however. The True Water Rune's speed makes a quick win unreliable at best, and deft swordplay makes Twin Dragon Lash equally dicey. No, today Jessica will be relying on her ability to stall her opponent. With her naturally considerable evasion and the healing power of Hustle Dance, Jessica should be well set to wait out the debilitating effects of Silent Lake, and without that protection from Jessica's spells Chris will crumple as quickly as any other.

Lezard Valeth
'One week before the match'

"Are you sure you want me to use this sword?" Chris asked the blonde with

white blouse and blue skirt.

"Yes I'm sure", she replied.

"How do I use it?", Chris ask.

"You'll know how when you do", the lady replied vaguely.

"Why do you want me to use this sword?" The sword upon further inspection bears a resembles to Excalibur and its scabbard Avalon.

"Let's just say your victory will allow me and my compatriots to return to ourworld, just don't forget to return it after you're done with it."

"So where shall we meet?", Chris ask.

"We'll meet at that place called Grassland near Brass castle", the woman replied.

"Who are you anyway"?

"You can call me 'Saber'". And she dissapears into the night of Vinay del Zexay.

"Hmm, I wonder who she really is? she doesn't resemble any RPG character that I know of. Oh well this should come in handy", Chris thought.

'At the match'

As soon as the referee give the signal both sides begin to unleash their attack.

Chris as predicted use silent lake. "Great", Jessica thought, "Looks like I'll have to worn her out."

As most have thought, although she wears full platemail and carries a sharp sword she has some problem hitting Jess due to her evasion. "Looks like I'll have to use my secret weapon", thought Chris as she wears Avalon on her belt and pulls Excalibur out.

"What are you doing?" Jessica ask her.

"Hey that looks like Excalibur!" Orlandu exclaimed from his seat. "But its not stolen or anything, its still in your scabbard", Yuri said while pointing at Orlandu's scabbard.

While the audience is baffled with this latest development, Chris immediately transforms into a blond knight in blue dress with armor. Immediately she slashed her sword towards

Jessica. "Excalibur", she shouted and knocks her out of the Arena. "Did you see that, old man?" Edge said from his seat. "Yeah I see it. That sword of hers is powerful, but where did she get it?", mused Orlandu.

'At Grassland near Brass castle, after the match....'

"Here's your sword", Chris said as she tossed Saber her sword and its scabbard. "Now", Chris said as she draws her own sword, "You will tell me who you are or else...."

At that time dozens of RPG characters from Orlandu to even non-ranked RPG character like worker 7 appear out of nowhere to question and if possible to deal with this possible menace.

"Who are you and why do you have the same sword as mine?" Orlandu inquired.

"I'm Saber and my comrades and I are stranded here by accident", she replied.

"Saber we're ready, come on and hurry up"

"Coming Shirou".

"Well I must take my leave, farewell".

At this point Saber runs to a small area. There Chris and the others noted that there are others including an orange haired youth with jeans and a white shirt, an Asian woman with red shirt and mini-skirt, a white haired man in leather clothing, a blue haired school girl, a woman in short purple clothing with purple hair and wearing a blind fold, An Albino girl sitting on the shoulder of a dark skinned Giant, and a priest with a man wearing a golden armor.

"Well shall we leave this place. We don't belong here," the Asian woman said.

"Yes Rin", Saber said. "Good then let us commence the rite of teleportation to leave."

"That's too bad, I kind of like it here. No pollution or even school," the Albino said.

"Ilya," Rin replied. "We don't belong here and that is final."

"Hmm she does resemble Saber, perhaps I should ask her to marry me."

"Don't even think about it, Gilgamesh," Saber bark as the group vanishes.

"What was that all about?" asked Chris to Salome. "No clue my lady".

Chris Lightfellow: 45
Jessica Albert: 23