Season 41, Week 3
Jenna Angel
(Digital Devil Saga)
Godlike's reigning queen King Champion pounded a dimension-drifting demon and is now up for wrecking a reclusive robot. Wren may be very sturdy and have some (okay, a lot of) healing, but that is no match for the raw overkilling power of Bhaivara, a move which Jenna is all but assured to get off with her formshifting fighting style. PS4's godlike robot can't do anything to stop the certain kill, and would have no way of standing against all of her other attacks even if he could. Throw in a few of her stat-busting Debilitates and Jenna is ready to consume her next meal get herself itself a new can opener or toaster.



Robot power strikes again! Wren just got his second victory in a division he is generally considered outmatched in with his victory over the Vile Tribe’s Xenobia. And while his robot compatriot is kicking ass in Heavy, he is trying to match her in Godlike. This time she goes up against Jenna Angel, the hermaphrodite final boss of DDS. And what a monster she is! Bhairava is not exactly something that Wren wanted to taste, but he can deal with it with his iron-hard body, high HP, and incredible defenses. After doing some damage to her (since she is rather weak, HP-wise) he will slowly chip her into oblivion. It may take a while, but this is a victory that is within reach.

It's funny - for all her savvy, meeting an actual robot was something Jenna never thought she'd see. Being a scientist, such a being was endlessly fascinating. Imagine how they could help repair her world! The feats they could do! The speed with which they could continue her research! And she's hardly unfamiliar with such machines, herself.

So of course she took it apart and began determining how it functioned right in the arena, over the protests of the judges and the odd stare from the opposing duelist itself. However, once she explained it was for saving a race of people who might die otherwise, Wren shrugged and agreed to go along with it. The Wrenartifax, new and improved model, is set to go on release in 2010.

Jenna Angel: 31
Wren: 7