Season 42, Week 2
(Dragon Quest 8)
Mmm, catgirl. It should make a *wonderful* snack. After all, eating babies is what Dhoulmagus does best! The evil jester's not subtle with his intentions or goals. What he wants to do is cause as much terror as possible and hurt as many people as he can. His rank in Godlike proves that Dhouly is more than talk. Multi-actions that can switch between stinging physicals and burning spells let him damage all types of fighters, and his ability to dispel on a double action prevents Rika from putting up any kind of protective skills or spells. Far tougher than his fellow Godlike clown prince, Dhouly doesn't fear being worn down or blitzed by Rika...turning this fight into a slow, brutal grind. Just the type of battle that the accursed mage so prides himself on winning.



Back in the arena again for the first time since becoming a Godlike finalist, Rika looks to continue her winning ways. Her first opponent, the demon-possessed jester Dhoulmagus, is a fighter who prefers slow, grinding fights. Not a bad strategy for dealing with a ball-lightning low Godlike or two, but doomed to failure against an opponent with as much healing as Rika. For every attack or spell the clown makes, Rika will have a healing spell to answer, and with her far superior speed, she'll be able to mix in plenty of Doubleslash attacks, too. Dhoulmagus' vulnerability to stat downs will only make her life easier, but fundamentally aren't necessary - if Rika could outlast her stalwart comrade Wren, then Dhoulmagus' chances of an upset are as humorous as his profession

Ah, spring.

The sounds of laughter fill the air, in the arena.

Children run screaming.

Grown men whimper and cup hands over their ears.

Women weep.


"...someone make it stop!" Tidus shrieked, over the horrible laughter. "That is the most horrible thing I've ever heard!"

It turned out Dhoulmagus' signature attack, a hearty, insane, vaguely shrill chuckle(What do you mean, that's not his signature attack? Of course it is.), had proven to, for once, not be useless.

As Rika, taking it as a strange form of challenge, proceeded to giggle at higher pitch.

Dhoulmagus, never one to pass up something if it's completely bat-droppings insane, took her up on the challenge.

By this stage in the match, the noise-unfortunately amplified by the microphones the combatants had been given at the start of the match, and moreso by Dhoulmagus' clones and the fact that Rika had Saner'd herself to drive up both the laughing speed and pitch, now resembled a cross between your average Alvin and the Chipmunks record driven up to fifteen times speed, a jet engine, and Lavos' shriek.

Then Lavos, sensing a kindred spirit, joined in from the stands.

Ultimately, and blessedly, rocks fell and everyone died.

Quite literally. The stadium above caved in, killing Dhoulmagus instantly and seriously injuring Rika. Rika, by default, won.

She was still giggling when she was being wheeled out, though. I hope it didn't break her mentally.

Then again, if she got into that contest, maybe that's not a problem to start with.

Dhoulmagus: 24
Rika: 30