Season 43, Week 2
(Valkyrie Profile)
Oh, this is beautiful. This puny lich thinks she can stand before the full might of a God? What foolishness. Before the power of the Dragon Orb she will crumble into nothing! She might think her own multicast spells are potent, but they'll pale into nothingness before divinely-powered Indiscriminate and Carnage Anthem. And he won't fool around with anything less than the Orb's full strength - after all, such a lowly foe is truly unworthy of Loki's true power, but so is everyone else - no one, even the gods, can meet that lofty standard. Loki, he who felled Odin, he who brought untold destruction to Midgard, he shall conquer this puny Duelling Leauge at long last and prove himself without peer! None can stop him now.



It's a battle of quadracasters that'll leave the arena scarred and smoking for weeks from the arcane onslaught of one Indiscriminate after another. Genevieve might seem to be at a disadvantage facing the final boss of her own game, but several factors tilt things in her favor. Her stratospheric Resist will put a major dent in Loki's magical offense, for one thing, and Sap Power will lessen the impact of the trickster god's powerful Extension Force. If that isn't enough, there's always Heal to compensate for the substantial disparity in HP. It won't be an easy victory, sure, but that makes it all the more rewarding! After a long string of humiliating defeats, the witch should finally have something to crow about this week.

The trickster king.

The seductress queen.

There was only one way this match could end.


Genevieve woke slowly.

Where was she?

What had happened?

Why was her pillow fuzzy?

Oh, because Sten was on the other side of the bed, ri-...


"...even by my own standards, Loki, that was entirely too perverted and wrong of a plan." Lezard Valeth noted disdainfully.

Loki simply chuckled.

Genevieve was too busy showering, two days later, to come to the match.

She's still unclean.

Even by her own rather low standards.

Sten's still hoping something happened after he got hit with the shovel. He kinda doubts it, but he likes the rumors anyways.

Loki: 53
Genevieve: 11