Season 44, Week 2
(Shadow Hearts: From the New World)
Killer didn’t get his name for saving orphans from a burning orphanage. No, he’s the very persona of cold blooded and ever bloody murder. Yunalesca’s undead nature may pose a few problems, but nothing Killer shouldn’t be able to handle. After all, the damage difference between the two duelers is quite extreme, and that’s before considering Killer’s ability to combo his damage together for a truly deadly attack. And with all his moves speeding up his next turn, Killer will be like a shadow striking in the night. Yunalesca can try to use her paltry attacks and counters to bring down Killer, but Killer isn’t a complete slouch on the durability end either. Even giant snake ladies will fall before Killer's blooded blade this season - after all, he's got to live up to the reputation Lady now possesses!



Daughter of Yevon and first Summoner of Spira, Yunalesca's got something to live up to. She's the first person to beat Sin, a beast that even an army that's been in training for 700 years can't handle! However, Yunalesca's last few entries in the Dueling League haven't been as successful as she'd wish. Not yet having been able to employ her powerful zombification tactics, Yunalesca faces yet another foe who will have to be beaten fairly. Though she won't be using Regen to diminish her enemy, she can still use it as an exceptional source of healing, not to mention Absorb. Killer can't possibly take on such a durable adversary, and even if things look dangerous, a casting of Curaga will fix things without a problem. Yunalesca will quite easily nab a victory this time around.

There's good news and bad news for Yunalesca here.

The good news is that she won in an incredibly boring slugfest match.

The bad news is that she was wrong.

Not *all* guardians can be turned into Final Aeons.

She'd so wanted to see the true, raw power Killer could have made possible.

Of course, the one that's really put out is Lady.

Even throttling Yunalesca to death with her bare hands simply didn't perk her up much.

Killer, meanwhile, is simply admiring the thoughtfulness of his girlfriend. I mean, it's one thing to kill the person that beat you up, but to get it taped? While being a mute? That's a lot of trouble. I guess the crazy ones sometimes are still keepers.

Killer: 18
Yunalesca: 27