Season 51, Week 3
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Isolde may be a talented alchemist and a rather interesting teacher, so to speak, but at the end of the day even a powerful human is just that: human. And what mortal could dream of standing up to a machine designed to conquer worlds? Isolde's opening salvo of Sword Creation may be fearsome to quite a few opponents in the arena, but as far as Indalecio's concerned, it just means he can access Time of Truth a little faster. With Earthquake and Explode in the mix, Isolde won't last long against his destructive prowess. This high-tech killing machine is way past overdue to take home the title of Dueling League champion, and with the last fighter to cut short his ambitions waiting for a rematch in the next round of fighting, no mere teacher of pathetic children is going to stand in Indalecio's way.



This Duelling League is quite a world apart from the Al-Revis school, indeed. Crazed swordsmen, gods as a dime-a-dozen merchandise, mad angels... and whatever Indalecio actually is. Not that this matters all that much to Isolde, what with the natural curiosity of an alchemist being somewhat lost by the wayside over the years. What matters is that, in terms of raw power, the Wiseman Indalecio is ironically inferior to the somber schoolteacher: both have quite the magical arsenal under their fingertips, but Isolde's Mana is surprisingly more apt at that spellcasting thing than Indalecio's fancy fireworks. Not to mention she has a speed and durability edge on him, so she's far more likely to be the one who emerges from the battle's debris. Looks are deceiving, after all, and Isolde is living proof of that corollary.


Isolde's quickly repeating attacks is just the way to beat Indalecio straight up. She may not be as tough and nothing she has matches the horror of Earthquake- but it doesn't matter, not when you can blitz and fire off card attacks and move faster and faster as the fight goes on.

Indalecio: 12
Isolde Schelling: 20