Season 53, Week 1
Ice Queen Avril
( Wild ARMs 5)
Ice Queen Avril, Lolithia, Johnny Appleseed: one woman, many names. She is the historical ruler of the Veruni and has magic potential beyond any compare. As the creator of Mediums, her knowledge of the arcane is unparalleled in the League. Of course, in the arena, the main manifestation of this knowledge is 4-D Pocket, which sends vulnerable PCs to their deaths in another dimension. And with her blistering speed, the Ice Queen will often dispatch those like Terra without fear of facing an attack. Truly the gods smile upon Lolithia, to make her first match one that plays perfectly to her strengths.



A veteran in the DL, Terra has the ... privilege ... of welcoming the newly ranked Ice Queen to the highest arena that a duelist can participate in. A battle of Fire and Ice will ensue with this matchup, as the two sword wielding magical girls go at it. Terra's going to rely on her usual tricks here - good defenses to stop her opponent's damage, Drain to stay afloat through the slugfest, Ultima, Fire 3, her Morph capabilities, and what have you to blast the ever loving hell out of her opponent. Pretty straightforward, like most of her fights, though it might not be the easiest of wins for the half-Esper woman.

Magic Fanatic
Hush little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird don't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a Diamond Ring...


Terra had never been so relaxed. Sure, she may have just been teleported to a pocket dimension with nothing in it but a voice, but for some reason, it was relaxing, and it was the first real time she felt coddled like a child, something she never got to experience with how she grew up.


Outside the pocket, the Ice Queen collected the win granted to her by Belial. While the feeling of emotion was new to her, she wanted to learn about it so much so that she did not succumb to a loss because of that again.

Ice Queen Avril: 22
Terra Branford: 16

Ever wonder how Terra got into Dissidia?

*4-D Pocket*

Well now you know.