Season 61, Week 5
(Suikoden III)
A brazen fist and a tough attitude is bound to get you places! And Emily's got both of those in spades! What does this stupid angel Lamington have to speak for his worth? Turning demons into -flowers-? Ha. Ha. Ha. That's really cute, but why do that when you can beat those things into a bloody pulp? Emily's SMASHing powers know no bounds, let alone with her blazing speed! A good running stride to pummel the hell out of this dumb angel person should fix his ugly face before he can see the flurry of fists coming to his face! After all, the daughter of Ronnie Bell may not have a Hate Rune, but she leaves nothing to be desired in the sheer destruction department!



Forget everything you know about the odds of an angel fighting a little girl. Yes, the smart money is on the little girl, it's a mundane cliche at this point. But in all seriousness, this is Lamington's match to lose. Everyone knows that Lamington is more durable than Superman wrapped in bubblewrap dipped in adamantine. For all the fearsome, feisty Emily's pugilistic skills, she might as well be punching a cloud for all the damage she'll get to stick. Lamington will not yield or relent, leaving him completely free to fry her with some heavenly Judgement. She did a good job getting into Godlike, but Lamington knows the man, he's a very close friend of him, and Emily is no god.

DragonKnight Zero

Emily arrives at the arena to find Lamington nowhere in sight. Instead, a big-busted, red haired girl twirling a baton is present.

"Look at this." the girl says handing Emily a note.

"Huh?" is Emily's thought as she reads it.


I wish no bloodshed. However, since you insist on fighting, I know of someone with similar temperment to yours who was willing to take my place. It seems she is enthusiastic about trying her skills out on a willing opponent. I hope you find her a suitable sparring partner.

- Lamington"

"Well OK, let's go." Emily challenges her new opponent.
"You got it." replies Prier.

In her eagerness, Emily doesn't notice the demon horns on Prier until it is apparent she is horribly outmatched.

Emily: 3
Lamington: 16