Season 11, Week 1
(Breath of Fire II)
Evans, he of the many names, couldn't have asked for a better opponent in his first match. His high speed makes it tough for Lenneth to get the first turn, and his high HP all but guarantees him survival if it does. To top it off, even the immortal Valkyrie has no protection against Evans powerful Death spell. One casting of this, and Valkyrie will be put in her divine sleep.



As one of the sacred Valkyries, Lenneth has seen and fought against the foulest of evils. For her, Deathevans will be nothing out of the ordinary. The demon god's offense isn't enough to knock out the hardy Valkyrie before turn two, which means Deathevans has no defense against Lenneth's Divine Assult. Once she reaches Nibelung Valesti, even the gods themselves will crumple against the Valkyrie's ultimate attack.

Sir Alex
It is a sad truth that even the Glance Reviver is not quite enough to instantly slay the mightiest of foes, and a somewhat sadder one that a deathspell is rather better at slaying unprotected characters. Saddest of all, however, is the fact that a wise sage was right - at the end of the day, Ugly > Pretty.

Evans: 18
Lenneth Valkyrie: 17