Season 12, Week 2
Albert Simon
(Shadow Hearts)
Godlike's messiah has come to slay the unworthy heathens who dare defile the ranks of Godlike with false divinity. Roger Bacon returns from a long hiatus from the arena, ready to prove that his defeat in the beginning of the RPGDL was merely a fluke. His opponent, the dragon-slayer Lloyd, will be an easy opening match. Lloyd's Wingly speed and magical prowess will do little to phase the more resilient boss. Armed with his vast array of arcane knowledge, Roger will easily be able to smother the hapless Wingly with a magical barrage that even the greatest of Godlikes would be hard-pressed to withstand, purifying the division of the unworthy and securing himself a spot in the quarterfinals.



Fou-Lu has at last returned to the DL arena, and so has his sworn nemesis. But before Lloyd, the Wingly and legendary dragon-slayer, can face his greatest quarry, he must first win three matches that will put his skill to the test. Fortunately for Lloyd, his first opponent is but a warm-up for one with his talents. He possesses a huge advantages in both speed and damage against the man who calls himself Roger Bacon, one who specializes only in the slaughter of playable characterss. With more advanced versions of the powerful Wingly magic that saw Lenus to a championship of her own two seasons back, Lloyd is posed to at last make his mark in Godlike. His second attempt to destroy another dragon god is begun.

Lloyd stood in the ring, stunned.

He, the utlimate dragon killer. He, who had Fou-Lu in his sights. He, who had survived so much...

Was defeated by Roger Bacon. Who knew that getting hit with Bacon's rod hurt that much?

.."Next time.. I shall be avenged!"

Albert Simon: 16
Lloyd: 15

Roger Bacon, renowned warlock and philospher...

Lloyd, renowned dragonslayer and servant of Melbu Frahma....

Both serve a higher power of some sorts: Bacon, the astral power of the Meta-God; Lloyd, the ineptitude of Melbu Frahma.

Unfortunately for Lloyd, he serves a really pathetic god, and even worse, that god was able to kill him. Let's say it again: Melbu Frahma killed Lloyd. Llyod lost to Melbu Frahma. No matter how you phrase it, it's still fairly pathetic.'s the question: would you vote for someone who Melbu Frahma could own?

...I sure as hell wouldn't.