Season 22, Week 2
Fei Fong Wong
A boss known for eating PCs for breakfast, vs. a PC. It sounds like a recipe for Fe's destruction, doesn't it? Not so fast, my friends. Let's take a look at what the white-haired one can do first, shall we? First, he has Demonic Gaze - Mist S, an attack that drains all of one's MP. This would have been useful, if Fei's Deathblows relied on MP. Along with the MP busting, the Gaze also inflicts the Confusion status, which, while deadly, doesn't exactly work on someone who can block the status like Fei can. Finally, Albedo can use Demonic Gaze - Soul S, one of those fun attacks that drains half of the target's maximum HP. A good skill, if it didn't need more than one turn to kill against someone who can OHKO Albedo- which Fei will do once Yamikei hits Albedo's non-dark-resistant, physically frail ass. Suddenly, things aren't looking too good for the pedophilic one, are they?



Insanity breeds intelligence, and sometimes the reverse is true as well. This, of course, makes Albedo one of the most intelligent - and craziest - fighters in the RPGDL Godlike division. It's also brought him a championship, so it can't be a bad thing. Now, the mad URTV finds himself fighting a deja vu match, in a season filled with them. Of course, this won't be a challenge. The weaknesses that defeated Fei last time have not changed: his lesser agility, his lack of resistance to Albedo's strongest Demonic attacks, and all the other weaknesses of a mortal human. With a boost of Demonic Illusion, the URTV will be running circles around the poor Contact, and with Demonic Gaze - Soul S, Albedo will quickly suck the life force out of poor Fei, finishing him off in record time. With Ghaleon on the other end of the field, will Albedo be seeing another deja vu battle for the championship?

Albedo takes insanity to some level little explored by mankind. It is, in almost every way, the real source of his power. Sure, sure, the ability to regrow your head (or whatever body parts you happen to lose) doesn't hurt, but it's that inner madness that lets him do anything besides parlor tricks in battle.
Unfortunately for our pedophalic friend, Fei set a few new definitions for the word crazy. But not only is he crazier, he managed to incorporate so many forms of insanity that he actually seems totally sane.
If you look at this as a sort of Budhistic parallel, Albedo would be akin to having read every book in existance, having, on some techinical level anyway, perfect knowledge. Fei, meanwhile, would be closer to Buddah; he does not just have knowledge, he has understanding. And without understanding, knowledge is useless.
So, in essence, all Albedo's madness has the approximate combative value of throwing a snowball, compared to Fei throwing, say, a boulder.
I dunno about you, but last I checked it was boulders that smashed the coyote, not a snowball.

Fei Fong Wong: 40
Albedo: 21

Seeing how this was essentially a rematch, Fei suggested a mech battle instead of the usual on foot duelling thing.

Albedo could only laugh at this suggestion and agree, knowing full well that nothing alive could defeat Simeon.

As his AGWS stood in the ring, he cackled to himself in thought. Such a fool, doesn't he know what he's dealing with?

Then the larger and more technologically advanced Xenogears landed on top of him, crushing the AGWS and its insane pilot into a metallic and slightly bloody pulp.

Moral of the Story: Err... dunno. Bigger is better, especially in cases of super robot wars?

I'm sorry, but Albedo is going to get the ever-loving pedo beat out of him.

On second thought, I'm not sorry.
"So Fei, do you really think that you can take me? I mean honestly, you might just be perhaps the most patheticly weak godlike to ever stupidify the RPG Dueling League." Albedo said.
"Do I really have to show you my power again? IS THIS REALLY WHAT YOU DESIRE?!?!?!"
And apparently it was, because when Albedo used his Amazingly Fast Attacks and Fallen Angel to finish it off, Fei stood no chance.
"My my. It seems this was no challenge. Are you ready, Ghaleon? I'll be seeing you again."