Season 31, Week 3
Lenneth Valkyrie
(Valkyrie Profile Series)
The Battle Maiden already took down her longtime friend Freya, enduring her Ether Strike before laying down her own brand of divine punishment. After facing a goddess last week, facing a normal human girl like Yuna might be a letdown. Her opponent might be fearsome with her multitude of Aeons, but Lenneth has little to fear. She is armed with her Glance Reviver, with damage far beyond any mortal's ken, and with a preemptive strike against the frail summoner, a simple whack of her sword will send Yuna from whence she came, to join the pyreflies once and for all! Even her aeons would cower beneath Lenneth's blade, if Yuna even got a chance to summon them.



Spira, despite having an organised religion, wasn't much of a place for gods. So when Spira's most powerful pyrefly artist takes to the arena this week, she will find herself against an unfamiliar opponent in the powerful Creation Goddess, Lenneth Valkyrie. Even more daunting, this Lenneth defeated fellow goddess Freya, who in turn handed Yuna her first RPGDL loss so many seasons ago. But no matter; as powerful as Lenneth is, there is one field in which the armoured valkyrie can not match Yuna: speed. This ensures that Yuna will have the time to send every Aeon she has at Lenneth, and no being, no matter how powerful, can stand against that sort of a prolonged assault.

Lenneth is tough, strong willed, intelligient, and a powerful fighter. Yuna is weak, niave, easily manipulated and has lousy taste in guys. WHy did I vote for Yuna then...?

Anima is so freakin cheap.

Lenneth Valkyrie: 52
Yuna: 61

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" the sagely figure asked with a deep tone of concern.

"Yes", Lenneth responded, "It might be inconvinient for a short while, but this is something I wish to do"

The figure walked back into the shadows and concealed his face. He only muttered a single word to address the one thing that bothered him, "Why?"

There was a pause in between as the goddess placed her thoughts together. It was difficult to do this to someone she knew who wasn't evil. Yet, it had to be done.

"...I do not agree with the way she battles. The arguments and conflicts she has caused...some sort of retribution is needed"

"I see. And you would do so, knowing that I cannot reverse the spell and knowing fully that you will be disqualified?"

The battle maiden returned an icy stare.

"Don't make me repeat myself", she answered without an inch of hesistation in her voice.

"Very well then. I shall revert you back to a time when you were still a child. Back to another but surely more powerful form"


Yuna looked around the arena a bit nervously.

'Strange', she thought to herself,'it is unlike Lady Valkyrie to be late towards her match.'

She can recall Sir Auron telling her at one point, to be on guard if a foe decides to show up late. It can always be a sign of foul play. Yuna was sure Lenneth was not the type to try something like that. Yet, it's been more than 10 minutes. Very unusual indeed.

"...Do you still wish for us to wait for your opponent?" Squall asked as an arena judge for the day. They had wanted to declare Yuna the winner by default since her opponent seemed like a no-show. Yuna had insisted otherwise however.


Another 5 minutes past. Yuna looked at the judges panel as Squall proceeded to get up again. Yet at the same time, a much smaller figure had walked into the arena.

It looked like Lenneth, but it surely couldn't...

Yuna spoke up as the young girl raised her spear into a battle stance, "Um...are you...Lady Lenneth Valkyrie?"

And without warning, she saw nothing else but a large flash of light. The last thing she could remember was a vary distinct cry in the voice of a small child.

"I shall cleave into your flesh! Nibelung Valesti! "

Lenneth vs. Yuna can be summed up in two words: Glance. Reviver.

Or, if you wish, two different words: Nibelung. Valesti.

And the fact that, with her speed, Lenneth does one of two things:

A.) Gets first turn. Kills Yuna and proves what a female lead with a *backbone* can do.

B.) Gets first turn against the *Aeons*. Proceeds to kill each of them. When all Aeons are dead, refer to second sentence of part A.)

It's good to have plot-powered, ridiculous weapons, Purify Weird Soul attacks, and, oh yeah, that thing Yuna lacks.


I really do wish Lenneth would win. I know the accursed Yuna Fanboy Vote will crush her in this fight, but I still wish she would win.