Season 32, Week 2
Magus (Janus Zeal)
(Chrono Trigger)
The brooding badass himself is back. Janus Zeal may not be the most powerful Godlike there is, but he is indisputably effective at what he does: take enough damage to make Myria look frail. And ironically enough, Magus gets to prove that very point this week in the arena. While Myria may have speed and damage, she lacks any way whatsoever to get by Magus’ obscene damage reduction. Without that, even her durable self will eventually fall to the counters and elemental magics Magus is known for. While such a defeat may be humiliating for one of Myria’s stature, that will only make victory all the sweeter for the dark-humored lord of the Mystics.



Fangirl powers activate! Myria's not immune to the dark wizard's mysterious charms, even when she takes the form of a multi-headed Hydra. Like any of his legions of fans, she'll be sure to get Janus of Zeal's autograph...after she administers a brutal beating in the arena. That beating will come first, last and in-between from the non-elemental power of Holocaust, which renders Magus's constantly-shifting barrier completely and utterly worthless. The stylish mage will just have to try and use his puny physicals to damage Myria. Good luck with that! He'll be knocked out by Myria's demonic attacks before army of fangirls can say "the black wind howls".

"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up to the sky with hope!" and with those words Myria descends into the arena and lo Magus trembled in fear in the face of the godess he couldn't handle a god of Lavos's standards far below the standings of the great godess Myria and in that moment Myria obliterated him the first step to being the first godlike to 4 Crowns even the crazed dimension creator belial trembles in fear of the coming battle nothing stands between Myria and the crown... nothing

Magus (Janus Zeal): 43
Myria: 48
Magus, to put it bluntly, rules! with a double star-level speed and magic with 999 HP he's not going to go down anytime soon, stacked with elixers and his best possible armor Magus does a repeated physical, heal, Darkmatter, and repeats.