Season 33, Week 2
(Phantasy Star 4)
The bright and chipper Numan of Motavia returns to yet another daring foray in the fields of Godlike! And boy, is this new challenge really one of the most exciting fights ever!!! The evil warlock Rashidi has pretty big ambitions, with the backup of the powers of a dark god on his side! But Rika managed to handle the very essence of evil in Profound Darkness - a mere lackey won't be the biggest of her problems, right?!? And she has just the right tool to vanquish darkness: with a Guardian Claw and her trusty Silvertusk, imbued with strong holy energy, she can hit the prophet's two biggest defensive drawbacks at once! Striking against both his pathetic physical durability and his large Holy weakness, she can fell him in a singe Doubleslash before he can multicast all those nasty elemental magics and Life Suck! This so-called prophet shouldn't pose a problem to Rika at all!



In a week where Gran's son seeks honor, if in a lower division, it only makes sense that his father's most trusted advisor seeks to gain glory for himself in Godlike this season. Rashidi's first challenge isn't a deadly vampire lord, nor is it a honorable knight with a grudge to settle. No, Rashidi faces off against a puny little Numan girl, barely a year old. What a joke. This frail wench seeks to defeat the Wiseman in combat? Ha! Even if by some miracle, she manages to get a turn, she'll be already close to death from Rashidi's barrage of elemental magic. All of her attempts to buff and heal will be in vain; no matter how hard she tries, she'll never be able to match the rapid assault of magics from Rashidi's hands. One puny scratch of her claw may draw blood, but Life Suck and plenty of toughness means Rika's one attack will be no more than a pebble in Rashidi's mighty boot.

Joou Ranbu
"Hmph. This must be a joke", Rashidi mused in his lush resting chambers, surrounded by eerie lights and his esteemed magical artifacts. "If even a servant from Nyarlathotep couldn't stop me, a naive little catgirl lookalike shouldn't pose me any problems." Rashidi rested easy, knowing that his raw power would easily overwhelm that fool. This would be his season of glory. Even if his crystall ball warned him that she might foil his plans, he should pay no heed to such warnings with proper preparation of his skills. It was just an advice, not a declaration of defeat.


"What? You sure this is going to work, Rune? I don't know, most of your ideas tend to go really wrong around here...", Rika protested. The arrogant Esper certainly had some strange plans, and this seemed to be no exception. And, considering how often they were thwarted by a dim-witted teenage adventurer, the idea seemed like a grim announcement. However, to the Numan's lamenting, Rune simply responded with a shrug. "Listen, you want to win, right? This is probably the surest way, unless you want to be ravaged Rashidi. If you're willing to die, be my guest, but if you care for actual victory, you'd better follow my lead."

Rika sigh and pouted, crossing her arms in dissatisfaction. "He will never accept that! How can you trick a dark prophet into a p-" - Rune swiftly covered Rika's mouth before she could complete the sentence. "Quiet. You never know whether the walls have ears or not. Regardless, I've already managed to convince the judges. He will have no choice on the matter. And you better be thankful, this will cost me dearly. Understood?"

Rika nodded and annoyedly pointed to the hand covering her mouth.

Rune aceded, as Rika heavily sighed upon being freed. "If this doesn't work, we're in serious trouble. But it's not like we can back out..."

At that, Rune simply smirked. "It will be worth it, at least."


In the day of the match, the judge body declared that Rashidi, instead of fighting Rika, would have to read an instant-messenger conversation between her and Justin for five minutes. Sounds simple for a prophet, correct?


Within thirty seconds, the sheer amount of smileys, lols, ^_^_^_^s and horrendously inept grammar (not to mention the inane contents. They were talking about adventuring in Justin's children's kindergarten daycare center or something) drove Rashidi insane in no time flat. He proceeded to explode the computer and left the arena starking mad, engaging into a quest to destroy all AOLers in the world. As he left the arena in a bustling hurry, Rika returned to the arena in order to claim her odd victory. As she sheepishly accepted the graces, Rune approached.

"Wow, Rune, you were right. How did you manage to convince the judge body?"

Rune coughed for a moment. "Well, Ramirez was part of the body, so one part was easily convinced. Apparently, he holds a grudge. For the rest..."

A glance was directed to Justin just as he joined in. "Well, I hope you are happy. Justin had Feena convince the other judges with violent whippings, but for an exchange."

Rika scratched her left ear, vaguely confused. "But Justin's such a nice kid! He has the most beautiful wife and a lot of cute kids, they would probably never ask you to do something REALLY humiliating!"

At that, Justin stretched and opened a big smile. "It's not bad, really! He's just going to teach my kids on how to use the computer and that messenger! We tried showing the kids ourselves, but that didn't really work out! And, while he teaches us, Feena and I will go on an adventure!" Rika giggled slightly. "Oh, I see! I wish I could join you guys, it sounds fun!"

"Oh, well, there's always next time! See you tomorrow early, Rune! You're the best!", Justin grinned as he left, waving effusively to Rika and the Esper.

After Justin left, Rune shaked his fist, gritting his teeth in anger. "I hope you're happy, eargirl. And you owe me. Stupid clause of cooperation... thanks to you, I'll be stuck babysitting those little devils while Justin and Feena go frolicking on my expense. Enjoy your victory, Rika", the Esper grumbled, leaving the arena in annoyance.

"Uh? I don't get it..." Rika just stood, dumbfounded. What was wrong? She DID win, didn't she?

Rika: 29
Rashidi: 28