Season 38, Week 2
(Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria)
What better way to build a DL reputation in a hurry than to smash hone of the most successful godlikes around? Ull's abilities as a hunter serve him well here, with his blessed arrows giving him unerring accuracy even against someone as shifty as Melfice. The Horn of Valmar's surprisingly underpowered based on his record, mostly feeding on creampuffs and scrubs. Ull certainly isn't that - he's one of the almighty gods, with incredible powers. Boasting both solid damage and and a single shot of Heal to further prolong the fight, he already possesses enough to put Melfice on the ropes - before you factor in his limit. Not even the demonic powers of Valmar will save Ull's opponent once he gets rolling.



Ah, the traditional Welcome to Godlike match, in which poor rookies and hapless former Heavies find themselves tasked with taking down the feared champions of the division. And the unfortunate Ull has to try and take on one of the winningest fighters in the League in his opening match! Melfice is well prepared to dispense this newcomer's trial by fire in a quick and brutal match. The Aesir lackey can't heal himself or dish out his good damage until he's been reduced to low health, which gives the Horns of Valmar plenty of time to layer on the stat-buffers in preparation for blowing past Ull's limit phase with a fully-powered Wailing Soul Slash. Indeed, this god stands no chance against the Horn of Valmar!

Glints of light.

The flash of a sword.

And it was all over.


"But...I...never miss with..." Ull, stunned, slumped to the ground.

Melfice scowled deeply, as Luca Blight sheathed his sword. "Pig! How dare you shoot me in the face when I'm trying to enjoy a damned match! Haahahahaha you fool!" He added, kicking Ull's corpse repeatedly and ranting to himself about surviving far more arrows than that.

(Perhaps Luca believes in poetic license?)

Melfice did the obvious thing.

He stabbed Luca Blight in the back for potentially ruining his win.

Fortunately for Melfice, the judges were kind. (Also bored out of their minds. Who would willingly judge a match this simple?) Since Ull had clearly caused his own demise with the poorly aimed Aiming Wisp, no interference call was made.

(Also, again, bored out of their minds. Why wait for him to heal so you can get bored again?)

Ull's still so confused, though.

He'd tried to use Aiming Wisp...he thought...but instead, a shower of arrows had went all around Melfice, even going so far as to shower the crowd! That wasn't possible!

Meanwhile, a very confused Llewelyn is wondering why he feels so much stronger. Why, his Aiming Wisps fire twice as many shots now! And no one can stand up to him in training matches! It's incredible.

Somewhere, a weapons storage clerk is realizing they screwed up.

Ull: 19
Melfice: 42