Season 54, Week 1
(Wild ARMs 4)
Having Belial's beloved Scythe roasted in the last season, alongside her previous losses in the arena, certainly didn't make the mistress of gravity and space any calmer. It's time for Belial to get another chance to show why she was feared even within the forces of Brionac, and the trickster god Loki will prove quite a nice target. Loki's vaunted defenses may let him shrug off tank drops, but Belial's Agony Effect shall tear his god essence asunder with the same ease it does against humans, and she can weather down his Indiscriminate assault with her Distortion. Paired up with her speed, these advantages will give her the edge she needs.



Loki may be over his head in terms of comparative insanity in this match, but luckily the Dragon Orb holder’s strengths match up quite well against Belial’s weaknesses. Loki’s impressive defense forces Belial to use her weaker attack, and his painful Indiscriminate spell forces Belial to give up a crucial turn to summon her Distortion. Of course, given how dreadful even a single spell of 4 is, the Distortion may die after a single attack, leaving Belial to face three quarters of an magical chain of destruction, as well as likely death. With such power on his side, Loki is sure to come out victorious against such a dreadful enemy!

Edge's plan had executed. Piastol was enraged to the point of murder, and would be pushed to her physical limits by Lamington. All that was needed was an escape for now. Piastol, even heavily wounded, is far more than Edge can handle in a straight up fight.


Edge jogged into the fourth Godlike arena, panting from his exerertions. The fight here was nearly packed to the rafters, as both Belial and Loki were considered extremely powerful fighters. Like the best plans, Edge hadn't spent long working on this. His escape, however, didn't need much planning.


Nothing like a bracing fight with a divine being to get the blood flowing in the most literal sense. Piastol had won her fight with Lamington, using most of her strength and reserves to take him down and once again go after Edge. The direction he had sprinted off to was the Godlike arena in the back. This arena had no back exit- it was time for Edge to man up and face his punishment! Piastol kicked down the massive doors in front of the arena, and strode through the now open doorway. Sure enough, Edge was in the arena, near Belial.

Edge had walked up to Belial and began speaking. Piastol couldn't make what was said, but fragments of the conversation floated back through the crowd to her ears.

"...Called Scythe a loser..."
"...Worse than Dario.."
"...He'll never escape that 4-D pocket as long as Belial's alive.."

Sure enough, Edge had vanished into thin air, and Belial's face had twisted into a visage of absolute hate and fury.

Fury? Oh, Piastol had fury. She was long past the point of wanting to deal with this nonsense. She strode up to Belial, ignoring her wounds. "He's MINE, you skank!" Belial, either too angry from Edge's words from before or assuming that Piastol was talking about Scythe, also wasn't in the mood to hear anything. She threw herself at Piastol and began attacking at close range with her bare fists, literally trying to beat the Angel of Death to death with her hands.


Loki neither knew nor care about why the girls were fighting. It was just an opportunity for the trickster god to avoid a fight, and he wasn't about to give that up. He summoned his full magical powers, and let look the terrible power of Indiscrimate on Belial and Piastol.


Edge appeared out of thin air, a meter or so off the ground and not worse for the wear. He didn't have a perfect idea of what he had missed, but Belial and Piastol's broken bodies and Loki's cackling laugh made Edge pretty damn certain that things had worked out more or less according to plan. Edge walked off towards his rooms, already planning on how to counter Piastol's response. Oh yes. There's no way that she was done with him- and even if Piastol was, she had a battle against Avalon to fight next week. The possiblities were -endless-.

Belial: 14
Loki: 29