Season 57, Week 3
(Suikoden II)
The second Tenkai Star is a boy of few words. In duels, he is also a boy of few actions, preferring brutally overkilling quality to quantity. Downing things with Forgiver Sign before they can breathe is Riou's modus operandi: exactly what he will attempt to do this week as well. Heat's tentacles could prove troublesome for Riou, so the easiest way around them is to slay the foul demon with horrific holy damage before those tentacles can even come out. A simple strategy, and Riou will rely on it to come out ahead this week.


S this some kind of joke? Heat was sort of looking forward to a real fight here, but if they're just going to send him this kind of crap, he won't object to snacking until someone serious comes along - after all, even a god needs some low-brow entertainment. Riou is effectively an inferior version of Rolf in every way that matters in this fight, and Heat just wiped the floor with the latter last round. If the legendarily overpowered Megid couldn't do the job of keeping Vritra down, what hope does Forgiver Sign have?

As Forgiver Sign began to take shape
Riou knew that Heat would not escape
But he gloated too soon
For just half a True Rune
Couldn't stand against tentacle *SHOT*

Riou: 11
Heat: 25