Season 11, Week 2
(Arc the Lad 4)
Godlike's one and only flying horse returns for his second DL battle since Season 6. While he lost his opening match five seasons ago, this time he's up against a much more manageable opponent. Droguza's high speed should allow him to keep up and surpass even the nimble Mewtwo, weakening one of the Pokemon's primary advantages, and his notable mental prowess should allow him to resist the worst of Mewtwo's psychic assault. Most importantly, while Mewtwo will futiley focus on trying to destroy Droguza's mind, Droguza will be crushing the little cat under his hooves.



Pokemon's resident heavy hitter has an incredibly easy task this week. No matter what kind of offense Mewtwo's opponent may be sporting, he can simply use his Barrier and Amnesia techniques to get around it. A few of these, combined with the fact that he can heal will ensure Droguza won't be able to get far before he's blasted to tiny bits with a Psychic assault. Furthermore, the burly Deimos could never be accused of being a brain-trust. For the brilliant kitty to lose to some barbaric horse would be an insult to Pokemon everywhere - and Mewtwo doesn't respond well to being insulted.

Droguza and Mewtwo are very similar. Both are genetically enhanced beings, both are part of a fictional race, and both are incredibly intelligent with immense powers...

However, there is one difference:
Droguza's mind is no different from Cloud's, in that he has a bunch of false memories, and doesn't know a damn thing about himself
Mewtwo, being a psychic, takes this to his advantage, and fills in some "gaps" of Droguza's mind, by giving him false memories of what inspired him to become strong, or more specifically, how he was a nerd in Elementary School who got picked on for his lunch money...

Wasn't too long til Droguza broke down crying, thus giving Mewtwo the win...

Droguza: 2
Mewtwo: 24