Season 19, Week 2
(Valkyrie Profile)
It's ironic that the lord of the Frost Giants uses flame as his most potent weapon, but his powerful fire magic is the essence of Surt's attacks. It might not be the strongest spell in the many worlds, but Surt's trademark Ifrit Caress will do well enough to wear down his foe's life, and his Heal spell will ensure that he survives Vyse's attacks long enough to consign his remains to the firey embrace of Muspelheim.



Against the legendary Lord of the Vanir, Vyse will doubtlessly be wishing for his Delphinus. But being a Blue Rogue, he's not about to shirk from this battle no matter how he has to fight it. As long as Vyse can keep his focus against Surt's flaming advances, and stand strong until he's ready, then all will be able to see that not even a god can stand before a Pirate's Wrath.

The battle was a simple one, sadly for Vyse.

At least, on the surface.

Vyse had already used up his power in a Cutlass Fury, yet Surt was still standing confidently. With only one more attack, it would be over. And, indeed, one more Flare Strike drove Vyse to his knees. Defeated, he conceeded.

At least, that's what most people saw.

"Okay. I can make this shot. I can! I won't screw it up like last time." Irvine Kinneas said, aiming at Surt from the arena's ground-level entry hallway. "There's too much riding on this, like getting enough money to buy Selphie that train she wants. With that, I'll be able to..." Irvine shook his head. "No thinking about that now." He said, taking aim at Surt. With one shot, it would be all over.

Just as Irvine pulled the trigger, a blast of light smashed into Irvine from farther down the hallway. Knocked off balance as he shot, the bullet ended up on a harmless trajectory into the air.

"Wha-AUGH." Irvine said, as a second blast of energy caught him full in the face, knocking him unconcious.

"Hmph. That will show you." Luc said, looking down at Irvine's unconcious form. "Rigging that match....the way I don't want it to go." Luc said, preparing to blast Vyse with magic from the Fire Rune he'd been given for this, at a moment where it wouldn't be noticed. "Anyone who wants a part of Ragnarok has my blessing." He said, smiling.

And then was smashed on the back of the head. Before Luc had knew what hit him, his frail form fell ontop of Irvine, also out cold.

"Pukyuu?" A large, hopping onion said.

"Heh, doesn't that beat all, you got to him before I did." Rei said, smiling down at Peco. "Well, I'll just plant the stuff on them linking them to the idiots that talked them into this, and we'll be on our way. I'm not sure why he paid us so much for this, though..."


"Heh, you really got them." Rei said, reading a newspaper.

Indeed, it had been an incredible scandal.

Irvine Kinneas, hired by Krin, who had a massive bet riding on Vyse's win, to injure Surt. And Luc, who had evidently been talked into assaulting Vyse with a Fire Rune, provided by one Sten Legacy(Evidently in the hopes of making him appear better in the eyes of Nina.), both found unconcious in the act of their attempts. Irvine had the contract with Krin on him, while Luc had a hand-penned note from Sten that promised him more aid in the future.

All four strenuously denied the evidence against them. When Luc and Irvine were asked, though, all they could say was that someone had called them up and talked to them. They had never met face to face.

"It's amazing anyone bought the proof, none of the people involved are at all smart enough to think of anything like this..." Rei said, laughing. "But why bother?"

"Well, sometimes, it's just too much fun to ruin an idiot's day." Setzer Gabbiani said, smiling. "Besides, where the hell is the fun in a bet rigged either way? Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go get my bet on Surt settled..."

Surt: 30
Vyse: 29