Season 20, Week 1
Claude Kenni
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Heavy duels don't get much nastier than this. Claude Kenni, former Godlike and powerhouse swordsman, squares off against Hiro, former heavy semifinalist and powerhouse swordsman. Both bring massive damage to the table. Hiro brings a bit more speed to the mix, but he ensign will claim victory with durability. Energy Blade washes away the worst effects of Hiro's Triple Sword assault, and if his foe opts to use any of his other tricks, like his pathetically inaccurate Concussion Sword, Claude can blast away with his normal physical until he gets that fatal stun, or worse, drops Hiro below the point where he can survive the next Mirror Slice.



"Triple Sword!" That phrase strikes in every foe who's ever had the misfortune to face Hiro, from Borgan to Ghaleon to even Zophar himself. the strongest swordskill of the Silver Star's most formidable champion is mighty indeed, and will go head to head with another feared sword technique, Mirror Slice. But in a pitched battle of super-powered, multi-hitting sword abilities, Hiro has the key advantages over Claude Kenni and his Mirror Slice: He's notably faster, especially with his Speed Storm stat-booster, and tougher to kill. Althena's Sword will put the Eternal Sphere to shame, and send the Ensign down for the count in record time.

Two young men, masters of all things swordlike. Two young men, who try and save their world.

Two young men who don't wish to battle to the death in the arena. Two young men with blue haired, naive, nubile girlfriends with a noted adversion to clothing..


"Hiro, are you sure this okay?"

.."Claude? You're sure no one will see this?"

"..Bah. And you're sure this will get me closer to Vyse, you pervert?"

Edge just smiled. "Ladies. No worries. This is just a private way to settle a fight. Your boyfriends won't be hurt, and Piastol, you'll get the information you so seek after this." Edge bowed to the girls, and led Claude and Hiro out of the enclosed room.

The guys walked to an ajoining room with a one way mirror, that showed all the action in the blitzball arena. In the room stood two dozen of the DL's finest perverts and men, all waiting for a chance at a free show. Edge quickly called for quiet. Without a word, he pushed the button, and the room with the girls began filling with water.

A cheer erupted among the men as the water first hit the girls. See, they were wearing clothing.. just all of it white. The ninja prince raised his hand once more. Instead of a Catclaw, a beer rested in his hand, and a cigar sat in his mouth. "Boys, it's truly a great day for us. With thanks to Jecht, who sadly couldn't be here, for providing us with the blitzball arena.. well, hell. You see for yourself. Enjoy the show! Be sure to thank Claude and Hiro for this idea!"

Edge sat down next to Claude and Hiro, to a large ovation. "This was brilliant." Slapping the duo on their backs, Edge just grinned and took a pull from his drink. "You two wanna settle this? Much as we all won here, only one of you can win the match." Claude and Hiro both put down their drinks, and held out their hands.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Claude hand's stood in a fist, while Hiro, smirking, had a his hand out flat. Edge shook Hiro's hand. "You're the winner. Nice fight, Claude." The two boys shook hands. Hiro went to go watch the.. show in the other room, while Claude stayed seated. Leaning forward, he fired off a quick question at Edge.

"What sort of info did you get for Piastol?"

Edge grinned, and put his feet up on the table, his face glowing with good humor. "Vyse's room number. I spoke the truth.. kind of. She'll get closer to him now!"

Claude Kenni: 24
Hiro: 49

HA! I say not Claude. GO HIRO!