Season 24, Week 3
(Breath of Fire)
He's already defended the honor of his race by crushing an annoying dragon wannabe. Now Zog is up against an ally of dragons - well, of one dragon, at least - Eirika. He should probably be happy that he's not facing a different female Lord, since Lyn could cause him some serious pain with her dragonslaying Sol Katti, and Eirika's Siegliende is made to kill monsters, not dragons. And monstrous though he may be, monster Zog is not. A few Chars to the face and his opponent will fall, and with his monstrous HP score, he'll have more than enough time to pull it off, too!



Having slain Darksol, the proud princess of Renais now prepares to face another generic villain in her conquest of Heavy. While Darksol was just a speedbump, Zog would be a roadblock for many fighters; a frighteningly powerful and durable dragon would scare even some Godlikes. But he won't faze Eirika: she's fought down mighty undead dragons before, and even the Demon King himself. Surely Zog won't be a challenging foe: with Seiglinde in hand, Eirika will easily pierce the monster's scales, slaying the dragon like so many young heroes have before her.

Eirika's a pretty amazing fighter. Graceful, beautiful, elegant, sexy...

She can also fight too, with her sword, the monster-slaying Sieglinde. This blade, like the other Sacred Twins, is designed to significantly hurt monsters, dragons included. It's the perfect weapon to use to slay a Dark Dragon like Zog.

Now, Zog is no idiot. Oh, sure, he's a little cocky and uninformed, but not a real idiot. He therefore knew what this blade would do to him. Now, strong as he may be, he didn't want to feel the scorching powers of such a divine weapon on his skin. So, he came up with this awesome idea...

He ate her. Match begins, Zog swallows Eirika whole. Hey, dragons have done this before, right? Unfortunately for Zog's digestive tract, Eirika didn't go down easily. This was embarrassing, to say the least, as while Zog was awarded the win, the end result was pretty bad.

A few days in the hospital, and a large dose of Lactulose later, and Eirika was finally expelled from the dragon. Interestingly enough, she was followed about two seconds later by Elvis, the 1936 Philadelphia Flyers, a pirate's bounty in gold and jewels, and the Demon Sword Levantine.

Make of this what you will, but now Eirika's getting married to Elvis next week (much to her brother's dismay), has free tickets to every Philadelphia Flyers game, is bloody rich, and now wields both the Levantine and Sieglinde. Fair trade for becoming part of Zog's digestive tract for a few days, I'd say.

Zog, meanwhile, won't eat anything solid anymore. On another note, he's a big fan of Bill Cosby now, and thinks Ghost Dad was the greatest movie ever made.

Zog: 43
Eirika: 28