Season 24, Week 5
(Breath of Fire)
Doel thought he could outthink the dragon emperor. Eirika thought a monster-slaying blade would be enough to pierce his hide and win the fight. Adel thought that, with her magical powers, striking at Zog's pitiful magic defence would be the key to victory. They were wrong - all of them, fatally wrong. So far, everyone he's faced during this effortless season has underestimated Emperor Zog, and Rydia is unlikely to be any different. Sure, Zog isn't exactly the fastest dragon of the bunch, and he could stand to see that magic weakness go, but Zog still does what any dragon worth the name does best: hit damn hard and take forever and a day to die. Rydia has no hope to win if she tries to test her MP against Zog's HP... that is, assuming she can take so much as a single casting of Char and somehow stay standing afterwards. Even if she can, the next one will end her season, and there's nothing she can do to stop it.



Rapp, Luc, Drachma: all fell to the mighty, lovable little girl from Myst. Now, it's time for Rydia to slay a dragon, a feat that the Caller should find generally easier than the rest of this season. Zog may be large, but he's certainly not in-charge: weak to magical attacks and horrendously slow, he's vulnerable to most of Rydia's impressive arsenal. Even Zog's powerful Char attack will avail him not, as it's can't fully torch the Caller, especially with Sylph keeping her strong through the battle. It might not even come down to a battle of dragons, but if things get desperate, Zog is no match for the king Bahamut himself. Slaying a dragon has never been so easy. Now, if only there was a quick fix for Edge...

Oh, THIS ought to be good. Zog is famous for taking a million gajillion hits without showing any signs of slowing down while Rydia has been known to die from being poked in the arm too hard. Zog can probably just look at her funny and knock her out. Match to Zog the durability god.

Zog: 39
Rydia: 32

Rydia just doesn't have the HP or MP to outslug Zog. No D.Hrts in Toroia.

Zog > Low endurance/durability characters.
This has been established by the last match.
Since Rydia is physically smaller than Adel...I don't think she'll take to well to Zog charging her with that giant muzzle horn of his that's the size of a small one bedroom apartment.

Sir Alex
Wow, Rydia takes Heavy. Fun.

You know, I personally think Zog > Rydia, but I really want to see Rydia Upgrade into Godlike because it's be too funny, so...