Season 25, Week 1
Elmdor, Mesdoram
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
The silver noble's pure bladesmanship and strength of spirit was a scary thing when he made his debut countless seasons ago. Disposing of a great healer and his own underling with not a hint of mercy, it's easy to see why the Marquis of Limberry is such a feared opponent. A fellow master of style awaits him in combat, but that's where the simliaries end. Blade Grasp is just the sort of thing Todd fears in a slugfest, and the staid butler with the shades will soon fell the dreaded pain of Elmdor's Sword Spirit skills. Elmdor Mesdoram has been out for a long time, and his skill won't be just another fading breeze.



Here comes... AFROMAN! It's been a long time, but Todd Dukakis, the finest afro-sporting butler in the DL, has returned to make his mark in the arena! And his first opponent plays right into his hands. Not only is the Marquis a subpar swordsman compared to super-fine Todd Dukakis, but Todd's Fast Draw techniques easily get past Elmdor's Blade Grasp, which is only effective against mundane physicals. If that's not enough, this Sephiroth wannabe is even a rare boss vulnerable to gravity, leaving him easy prey for Todd's Divide Shot! Todd Dukakis will finally leave his mark in Heavy, and with style.

Elmdor might have Blade Grasp but Todd has the awesome power of being a butler. He proceeds to call all his other fellow butlers who coordinate a team strike knocking out the Silver Ogre.

While normally grounds for disqualifications, all it took was a little "business deal" from their respective masters to convince the DL staff otherwise. Whoever said money can't buy you happiness obviously wasn't creative enough.

Elmdor, Mesdoram: 48
Todd Dukakis: 52