Season 25, Week 2
(SaGa Frontier)
SaGa Frontier's mightiest robot returns to the arena, packing more weaponry and armored defenses than...well, anything. After all, the Omega body is more or less a walking fortress, or close enough to make no difference. T260G has a mission to carry out, and right now its primary objective is locking on to and securing a (much-deserved) Heavy championship. There may be many fearsome fighters in this new realm, but over its millenia-spanning life span, T260G has seen - and claimed victory in - all sorts of combat. With its defenses, which are high-powered even for Mecs, along with skyhigh speed and brutal offense, and the powerful V-MAX system to humiliate any serious threat, this robot is geared to win.



A raging beast of a man from some unknown, but presumably large and violent, tribe, Hallec is a force to be reckoned with for any fighter in the Duelling League, and at long last he's come to the arena, ready to prove it! With his oversized axes, freshly polished and sharpened, in each hand, and with a mighty roar, Hallec is ready for anything. And his first willing victim is...a female spaceship. T260G is far from your average bucket of bolts, but Hallec doesn't worry about details. Even a mechanical foe cannot stand long against Hallec's fury, with his Wrath keeping him in fighting shape under the Mech's assault more than long enough to cause a major system malfunction and proceed to the next battle.

An Axe to the face can go a long way, as we've learned.

Two axes should obviously go twice as far, by that logic?

Well, maybe they do, unfortunatly, robots that have enough power to blow up small space stations, that is equipped with a weapon that might as well just be considered a Light Saber, and can hurt things by ramming into it 7 times in a row go somewhat further.

T260G: 46
Hallec: 21