Season 40, Week 4
(Suikoden IV)
Defeating a friend, or even the friend of a friend, always leaves a heavy feeling in one's heart, but to return to Godlike, it had to be done. Thankfully, Ted's next opponent is a lot easier on the conscience and isn't any harder to kill. Not only is Marcello's durability rather lacking for a boss, but he takes extra damage from magic to boot, meaning one shot of the obscenely damaging Judgement is all it'll take to leave him a bloody smear on the pavement. And if Marcello can somehow survive that, the draining powers of the Finger of Death will keep Ted healthy for however long it'll take to bring the Knight Templar down to Judgement-blasting range. The Soul Eater hungers, and it's currently looking at a certain altar boy for an afternoon snack.



Marcello is no fool. While the dragon and hero that now lie in his wake might have been strong opponents, they are nothing compared to who stands before him now. But ever as ambitious as he is shrewd, the templar knight will not allow his steady advance towards the Heavy title to be stopped even by something as strong as the Soul Eater rune. Beginning with an Open Gate to the Heavens should put the frail Suikomage on the defensive very quickly, while Marcello can couple that with one of his potent physical strikes to hammer away at Ted's laughable defense.The Soul Eater is a worrying obstacle to overcome, but with the same focused will and clarity of purpose that allowed him to resist against Rhapthorne, Marcello will not fail here!

Marcello shook his head, stunned.

One blow?

He'd been struck down by one, single attack?

How was this possible?


As Marcello slid to the ground, his grip on the cane in his hand loosening, he knew there was only one way to right this indignity.

With the last ounce of strength he had, he hurled his staff into the stands...


"Duelling League police are thankfully for the vigilante attempts to subdue the violent beast." Chisato reported, from the ruins of a recently-used arena. "After all, they're currently chronically underfunded, largely volunteer, and this message is entirely unrelated to them taking out ads on this station asking for more charitable donations."

"To recap: Currently the dark monster that rampaged through the arena, shredding Ted's body into lifelessness, has been subdued, and authorities are confident that the beast will not prove a serious threat for some time to come. Marcello has been repremanded for such a punative event, though arguably the dark powers in his staff are not technically his fault, as his lawyers are stating. While the beast is still at large, Duelling League residents are not truly at very much more danger than normal." Chisato finished. "That's a rap. I hate days with actual news." She sighed. "...Damn it, Gilgamesh, I told you to save some of those donuts." She added as the camera was belatedly cut off.


"Poshu-SHU! My dark reign will shatter all of those puuuny fools soon!" The evil beast, injured, bellowed into the night sky from her secure, high mountain cave. "They will learn to mess with the power of evil! POSHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"

Ted: 35
Marcello: 15