Season 41, Week 4
(Lufia Series)
Devastation versus chaos. A battle between two foes who will complement one another from the beginning, as two fiends face off today. Gades will seek to claim victory with his own strong points, most notably strength itself, in the form of his overwhelming attack power with Undead and crushing physical blows. He has this and lacks the one weakness Yuber has; Gades has superb endurance, while his foe is a few steps up from papier-mâché. The Eight-Devil rune will strike hard but not hard enough slow Gades down. In return Gades will crush Yuber underneath his powerful blows. Yuber just can't deal with a strong, though opponent who can land hits against him, and Gades fits the bill from head to toe.



So. Gades is a giant sword-wielding prat who is known for being taken down by three fighters who either suck with magic or can't even use any. Now to review Yuber. He repeatedly pummels groups of six with great mages and swordsmen all around. Then proceeds to play with them - parrying, dodging, countering. Then he just whips out his strong damage move and pretty much kills them in what amounts to a flurry of strong hits with his Eight Devil Rune. Oh and of course he can cast some strong magic, if he so chooses. Sure, he isn't known for his longevity, but neither is Gades, what with not getting any stronger at all between being faced off in the middle of the game and at the end.

The fight came down to a rather ridiculous conclusion.

Gades happened to remember that compared to other characters in his game, barring the other male sinistrals, he's a hell of a lot larger. So much that he took the easiest approach possible and simply stepped on Yuber.

Yuber's reaction was what you'd expect...though no one saw it as his face was blocked by Gades boot.

Gades: 30
Yuber: 22

Yuber vs Some sort of giant fighty robot, yeah sure the Robot has alot of power behind his attacks... means shit if he can't hit anything. Yuber will spend most of the fight dodging, parrying, and countering Gades. So for the most part this is yet another win in Yubers aresenal *he should have never been demoted*