Season 42, Week 3
Sir Leopold
(Dragon Quest 8)
Mmm, lunch. Eating a feisty, outspoken girl like Farah for lunch sounds like a solid plan... a solidly EVIL PLAN!!! But, uh, wait, Leopold can't speak? Sure he can't, but the demonic staff possessed by Dhoulmagus and then later on, by Jessica, has a cruel will of its own, and it is more than happy to project its thoughts on everyone under its allure. Leopold's razor-sharp physicals should tear Farah apart, and his icy breath should turn her into a block of ice in no time. With the serious danger from critical hits preventing any kind of defensive maneuvers, this battle is nothing more than a straight up dogfight. And who better to pick in such a fight than Rhapthorne's demonic's doggie minion? Certainly not a raggy martial artist, that's for sure.



Fists of Steel, Hair of Emeralds and Dress of... uhm... a pink gemstone? Oh, well. Failed metaphors aside, Farah's back after a refreshing victory in the previous round, and the martial dynamo is ready to take on an almighty... dog? Not only that, a staff-holding dog? Ooookay... well, no one said this was your typical match. And nobody even mentioned this match would have to make sense at all. However, what truly matters is that Farah can dish out large amounts of damage through fancy combos and even a little healing by the side. Sir Leopold himself can only helplessly suffer through Farah's onslaught as she delivers her flurry of fists and legs - after all, how can he even bite with a staff lodged in his mouth?



Devour your enemies.

There is no other way to survive...

You cannot escape your hunger...


"...urk...remind...remind hit...Jenna...oh god..." Chaz Ashley said, as he proceeded to noisely vomit out of his judges box.

" the most...horrific...thing I have seen in many years." Lenneth Valkyrie noted. "To think, that Jenna Angel could be amused by teaching a demonic dog such a brutal and horrific tactic"

Gilbert simply took down notes.

They managed to revive Farah three or four days later. They didn't have the heart to tell her what happened after she blacked out.

Or what they revived her from.

Leopold's pretty happy with himself, overall... but ultimately, he decided it wasn't an everyday tactic.

For one thing, Farah wasn't nearly tender enough to make that a good idea. And too much gristle.

Sir Leopold: 27
Farah Oersted: 16