Season 5, Week 5
(Xenosaga Series)
KOS-MOS is up against a powerful foe for contention of the Heavy championship, but she has the firepower to pull it off. Ether Limit will drastically increase the damage of her extremely powerful F-Scythe and X-Buster attacks, which will put even the mighty Alexadrian General's powerful Seiken skills to shame. In addition, KOS-MOS boosts both hefty Defense and Magic Defense, giving her the edge in longevity. With her arsenal of firepower, KOS-MOS should be able to slog past Beatrix's healing and claim the Heavy championship.



The Alexandrian general will be in for a hard fight this time around. KOS-MOS' damage will be extremely annoying to deal with, but, thankfully, Beatrix has the speed advantage. And a quick Blind could make this match a lot more even. That doesn't even touch upon Beatrix's ability to heal herself, which could easily make a difference in this fight, nor her versatility with Holy. If she can win, though, it'll be with a lot of effort, and Save the Queen will really need to save the day for Beatrix.

Tylor H
One thing that any Sci Fi buff knows is that one of the great ways to save yourself against a killer bot is to shut 'em down with a Shock to the system. And delievering lethal shocks is one of Beatrix's better skills.

Beatrix: 22
Well because Beatrix is technically a boss I think she gets immunity to status immunity even in her PC form so I'm gonna give it to her.