Season 53, Week 1
Huh. After falling to Heavy, the boy wonder's a mite confused. Really, is fighting princesses normal fare in this division? Nina the First is pretty cute, after all. Still, the ignominious fall from the highest division stings Ness' pride, and as such, princess or not, she'll have to fall. And sure, she's got a large bevy of tricks to fall back on - status, stat downs, healing - but there's one issue; nothing she has, frankly, is fatal. The winged wonder will have to resort to pathetic pinpricks against his mighty durability, lacking any other recourse to give her the battle. With healing to use once her silence fades, and the capability to take endless punishment, this is a slugging match, and there's no way that Ness won't SMAAAAAASH his way to a win!



The first Wyndian princess has quite a bevy of tricks to apply in any given fight. Be it her plentiful healing, her myriad statuses or her mighty buffs, she is more or less a swiss army knife. Given the calibur of her opponent this week, though, she counts her blessings for this: after all, a mighty healer such as Ness can't be taken by simply forcing your way through! Fortunately, she has just the medicine to neuter the psychic kid from Onett: a single casting of Hush and Ness will be unable to access his skillset at all, and a casting of Idle afterwards will both crush his speed and accuracy, giving her a very poor prospect at even damaging Nina. Ness may have quite a name to himself, but Nina has just the right tools to handle him.


Ness resigned immediately upon hearing who his opponent was.

Turns out he still felt a loyalty to the Flying Man of his subconscious, and couldn't reasonably fight Nina as a result. Nina, slightly disappointed but also touched, promised to read a bedtime story to Ness as thanks. They found the agreement palatable.

Ness: 20
Nina Wyndia: 30