Season 63, Week 3
(Phantasy Star 4)
The Android guardian of Motavian space is a well-known formidable warrior. His defenses are among the best in the league, with inarguably innate status-immunity, Fire/Ice resistance, and the unique Palma Ring to cover that pesky Lightning weakness. He can even buff his special defenses higher with his Barrier ability, or play a stalling game with his near-limitless Recover healing ability. Not that it will matter, there aren't many opponents who will survive against his high-powered Burst Rockets and Positron Bolt attacks for long. And any mechanical enemies have lost before they can start thanks to his anti-machine ID and Paralysis skills.



She's may normally be queen of the high seas, but even on dryland, the dread pirate Sharon is not to be crossed lightly. With a brutal rapier strikes, sizzling Thunder magic, and even a very accurate Charm status, versatility is the name of Sharon's game. Of course, her game best speed, solid evasion, and a wealth of excellent anti-element and status accessory make her ever more dangerous. And for the coup de grace, she can even team up with her origin Arrode to until a brutal pummeling that even the most durable can't hope to live through with her Mystic Arte!

Wren: 15
Sharon: 8