Season 12, Week 3
Keith Valentine
(Shadow Hearts)
It's not often that two warriors of the same elemental affinity go against each other, but that is nonetheless the case today. The earthly vampire Keith goes against the Earth Adept Isaac in his second round of Heavy, and he couldn't ask for a better opponent. Isaac's best damage is an earth-aligned physical, which Keith will therefore be halving even before one considers his solid defenses. Adding insult to injury, it'll take Keith no more than one strike of the Deathblade Jiru to fell his enemy, and add another honorable victory to the annals of the Valentine Clan.



Earth Adept Isaac has felled many strange foes in his career - dragons, kings and evil demonic rats - but none as weird as his current vampiric opponent. Nonetheless, despite Keith's death-dealing reputation, Isaac is unphased. Though Sir Valentine may resist Isaac's strongest magicks, the mage possesses great speed and variety which easily overcomes the stoic vampire's one-dimensional fighting style. It'll take a while, but Isaac has overcome far stronger foes in the past, and isn't about to let a prissy little vampire take him down so easily.

So, through a large amount of luck, Keith ends up beating several good opponents and making his way this far. He joins his bishie brethern Sephiroth and Jowy in the winner's circle, leaving Issac a bloody pulp. Poor Issac. I guess he didn't realize that bishie's always win in the end.

I suppose one could mention that Isaac went insane and offed himself after listing to Keith happily blab on about how awesome his sword is to nobody in particular, but let's just skip that little detail, shall we?

Keith Valentine: 24
Isaac: 6