Season 12, Week 4
Keith Valentine
(Shadow Hearts)
The frighteningly gorgeous Sir Valentine faces a man this week who is far less pretty than he. Sadly, Auron can crush Keith in swordplay, which seems a bit more pertinent in the arena setting. Even with his own somewhat lacking footplay, however, Keith is notably faster than the sluggish Spiran. He shall certainly need to call upon magic in this match, either to paralyze the brute early on, or simply capitalize upon his notorious weakness to the arcane. Considering the crucial healing from his draining spells, Keith should be able to take this grizzled guardian out with minimal fuss.



It's deja vu all over again for the Legendary Guardian this week. He faces yet another vampire who specialises in instant death and draining, and his strategy won't change much. He'll still equip his Defending Bracer to dash his opponent's hopes of a quick victory, and the Masamune guarantees a first strike for him to cripple his opponent. Zombie Attack will nullify his foe's parasitic healing, while Magic Break ruins the vampire's damage. With the knowledge that he has already defeated a swifter and significantly more powerful vampire, Auron is confident that he has it in him to advance to the Heavy finals.

Well damn. This Keith has some BROKEN offensive abilities.

.....Well, broken by Auron, anyway.

Keith Valentine: 7
Auron: 29