Season 14, Week 2
The shady head of the Garlyle forces makes his DL debut this week, the last member of his cast to appear. He and Rune will likely become fast friends outside the Arena - both sharing a burning hate for Justin - but it won't stop Baal from crushing the arrogant Esper beneath his heel. Boasting immunity to Negatis and Seals, Baal can easily buy enough time with his Gaia-fueled healing to show Rune some of his physical might. Considering Rune's poor defense, Baal should easily take the him out before Legeon can do any real harm.



Having finally escaped the humiliation of Middle division, the surly Esper is ready to prove that his upgrade wasn't a fluke. His usual strategy of ending matches fast with Negatis won't work against Baal, but his chances are nevertheless excellent. Baal's pathetic physical attacks don't scare even the frail Esper, and Legeon will easily overwhelm his healing. If worst comes to worst, of course, Rune can always convince Baal to forfeit his match in exchange for alliance in the crusade against Justin...

"Ah... heavy. Where greatness is afoot. I have truly come home, to the division where I belong. Only one thing remains.." Rune turned, and walked face first into Justin. The force of the impact knocked both the mage and the hero down to the ground.

"Ow!" Justin rubbed his head, and then glared at Rune. "Watch where you're going. I have to go visit my friend. The upcoming match is against you." At the news of this, Rune turned pale white. Justin jumped up, and walked by. "Oh well. Enjoy your match, Rune!"

The Esper pulled himself off the floor, shaken to the core. Although both his magic and his faith in his own abilities were matchless.. he knew he was no match for Feena, and Rapp and Liete weren't much better...

-Arena, before the fight-

Rune stood at the edge of the ring. No pre match autograph signings, no waving to the fans. He knew he was coming into a losing battle, and was well prepared to go down with as much power and honor as he knew. Taking a deep breath, Rune walked into the ring to get a good look at his foe..

..Much to his surprise, a middle aged man stood in the ring, and not one of Justin's cast mates. "...Yes, I am Baal, ruler of the world. My powers are unlimited, and my immunity to Rune's status makes this an easy win!"

It hit Rune. He wasn't fighting a PC.. but a boss. A Grandia boss. One that was crushed by a bunch of fools.

The crowd wondered why Rune had forsaken his usual strategy and thought and merely charged in, body ablaze with magical energy. However, everyone knew why he was laughing..

Baal: 18
Rune Walsh: 26

Rune does have quite a few negatives. Low defense, low HP, and complete reliance on magic. However, he is an excellent spellcaster and has a trump card going for him: his opponent is a Grandia boss.